Society of Heroes with Indeterminate Talent

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Book: Society of Heroes with Indeterminate Talent by Sebastian H. Alive Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sebastian H. Alive
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the safety data card in the seat pocket in front of you.  Oxygen masks will soon drop down from above your seat so please place the masks over your mouth and nose as previously instructed.  If you are travelling with children today please ignore their screams of terror and do reassure them that we have a real-life superhero onboard this plane who is capable of flight and will be targeting a select few children that he can carry safely from the plane when we are at an altitude that is safe to do so.”
    “Except for the fat ones.” whispered a voice over the intercom.
    Agent One cleared his throat over the speaker and paused for a second.
    “As numbers are limited, fat children are exempt from rescue.  The agency would further like to add that we do not discriminate against fat children but we don’t approve of them either and gluttony should be punishable by death.  This is especially directed to the child taking up seats twenty six and twenty seven.  The cabin crew will be coming around in the next few minutes to offer you light snacks and beverages.”
    The intercom clicked off and there was gasps and shocked faces of disbelief from the passengers.  Soon there was a clamor of voices, and the air hostesses making their way slowly down the aisles were trying their best to answer a barrage of questions from the frightened passengers.
    “May I ask the flight attendants to take their seats,” spat the intercom barking back into life.  “Once again ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to express the captain's regret at this catastrophic and unsurvivable inconvenience, and ask that you please fasten your seat belts and assume crash positions.  If the tailwind cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend to our deaths.  Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight and apologies if you had plans for tomorrow, but you will all be dead.  I hope that you have all had a pleasant flight, and on behalf of BA Flight seven-six-five, I thank you for flying with us today.
    Passengers began screaming uncontrollably and praying for their lives with some vomiting in the in-flight sick bags or comforting their loved ones.  After a while the sobbing died down and people began pulling out their mobile phones to text loved ones and leave their final messages to family and friends.
    “May I just remind all passengers onboard BA Flight seven-six-five that there is a ban on mobile phone usage while the plane is in flight.” piped up the voice from the intercom.
    “Screw you!” yelled a man yelled a man with his phone pressed firmly to his ear.
    There was a momentary pause and then laughter could be heard coming over the speaker and some of the passengers paused and looked up with a puzzled look on their faces.
    “I’m sorry ladies and gentlemen; I can’t keep this up any longer.  The truth is the plane really isn’t running out of fuel.  There is a time and a place for humor and this clearly isn’t it and I do apologize, it didn’t get the reception I thought it would.”
    Gasps of shock and howls of anger erupted from the passengers at the news and the mood quickly changed in the cabin from one of fear to one of pure hostility.
    “Get your ass out here.” roared one man with his fists clenched in anger.
    The flight attendants sat opposite the captain’s cabin looked at one another a little nervously, and then stood up and vanished into the cockpit area as the clamor began to intensify.
    A few seconds later the door re-opened and Agent One was forcibly shoved out of the cockpit area and into the aircraft cabin with his clipboard in hand.  Behind him was a rather nervous looking man dressed in red spandex with red tights and red knee-length booths with an ‘A’ emblazoned on his chest.  He wore what looked like a red swimming cap with small metal wings on each side of his temple and a rich red satin cape trailing out behind him.
    A chorus of boos greeted their arrival and passengers

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