So I Tamed a Texan

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Book: So I Tamed a Texan by Kimberly Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Lowe
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We were sitting in the den after dinner one night when I finally broke the news. He, of course, was shocked. "Do you know what you are saying Mary? Break your engagement! And all this balderdash about Randy not being a gentleman. He always acted like one around me, and you too."
    "You don't understand dad. Maybe Randy was all right when I was younger, but I've met other men that know how to dress and how to talk to a woman."
    "I understand one thing young lady! You came back here with a lot of high falutin notions. Talking about people wearing dirty clothes and not shaving. What do you expect? We work around here! And Randy is a fine man and a gentleman. Don't you forget it. He's a man and manners don't make the man."
    Tha t had not gone how I had hoped. I went out to the porch and sat for the longest time thinking about my decision. Later, I got my bay mare Coral out of the barn and rode out onto the mesa. I always used to go there and watch the moon when I had troubles. It was my best thinking spot. I sat alone, bathed in moonlight, and came to a decision. "I'll have to go" I thought, "No other way. I'll just tell Randy and dad goodbye and leave in a couple of days."
    Suddenly, I heard leather scraping the rocks in the shado ws behind me.
    "Who's there," I called out, " Come out, I hear you"
    Randy stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight.
    "Randy! You followed me!"
    "Yes Mary, I reckon I did. It appears to me that you and me have some talking to do."
    I made a move to run away, I did not want to talk to him about this right now. He caught me and turned me around. He held my face in his hands and stared at me in the eyes.
    "I talked to your dad Mary. He told me how you felt. But I got to hear it from your own mouth. Please Mary , tell me that it ain't true... that you was just mad and talking."
    "Oh Randy" I said pleadingly, "Don't, please ... it's no use. I'm sorry but I've changed. It's all my fault!" Randy took me in his arms and pressed his lips hard to mine. For a brief moment, I resisted but his kiss just felt so good. I melted into his arms and kissed him passionately back. He pulled away and said "Mary, the first time I've kissed you since you came back to the ranch" He bent down to kiss me some more and then we stood there hugging each other tightly. "Perhaps dad was right," I thought, "I have been acting like a snobbish little fool! Randy doesn't use the King's English, but he's a man!"
    All of a sudden, Randy stepped away and wiped his lips on his bandanna. He had a disgu sted look on his face as he said "Wish you wouldn't smear that lip goo on so thick Mary! Ugh! Tastes like burnt cactus roots. I don't like a girl to use too much of that stuff"
    I was taken ab ack. This was such a quick turnaround from a few minutes ago. I was angry as I said "What? You don't like lipstick Randy Hilton? And I use too much do I?"
    I was on a roll now, "You did that on purpose! Dad told you what I said and it hurt your Hilton pride so you came out here and tried to make love to me, just to get even. Ohh... I hate you!"
    Without thinking I reached up and slapped him hard across the face. I turned around and started down the mesa. I didn't want to see him at all anymore. I heard him behind me say "You're plumb right Mary. I thought I'd show you ho w silly it is to criticize the way other people act or talk. But now you got another lesson coming"
    "Randy, what are you going to do?" I was worried. Randy had never spoken to me like that before. I turned and saw him heading straight towards me "Get away from me!" I said.
    He picked me up from behind and carried me over to the nearest rock. He sat down and bent me over his knee and started spanking me like a little child. I was hurt and angry "Stop it! I'll kill you for this. I hate you! Hate you!" He just kept on and said "Hate to do this gal, but you sure got it coming! And when I get through you can go your own way. I don't care if I never lay eyes on you again." He set me

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