I’m going to worry about her all day now.’ ‘She’s best left alone babe. She needs time to grieve.’ ‘She was telling me about this guy who was coming on to her and she rejected him. You don’t think he ……..?’ ‘God knows. Do you think I should have told her; phoned the police or something?’ ‘I don’t know Mark. She’s a bit cut off out there. Hardly any neighbours. I’ll phone her when we get home.’ Sandy phoned her. Felicity said she was ok and they were not to worry about coming back today, that she was going to see her parents and that would take her mind off the cat but instead she went to bed and cried herself to sleep. Somewhere in her sleep state she heard her phone ringing but she stayed in bed and eventually fell into a deep sleep. When she woke it was two thirty in the afternoon. She went downstairs to the kitchen and looked out into the back garden where a small mound of freshly dug earth was all that remained of her little friend and companion. It was real then. She hadn’t dreamed it. Her friend had removed all traces of him. She opened the cupboard where she kept his bowls and food. It was all gone; like he’d never existed. For a while she felt angry with Sandy but she knew deep down that her friend had been thinking of her when she’d done it. She made coffee and went into the living room and sat down on the sofa but she was sitting on a lump. She turned and saw tabby cats little threadbare rabbit that she had knitted for him when she’d first moved here. The little rabbit had been a bit of an ice breaker between them when they’d first met. She sighed an d sat the chewed toy beside her. She could see the red light flashing on her answering machine and pressed the ‘play’ button. Hi Flick. Hope you’re ok. I really enjoyed our meal the other night and wondered if we could go out again soon? How about tonight? Phone me? Oh-It’s David by the way! Fel icity smiled to herself . Did he think she’d been out with anyone else for a meal in the last twenty four hours? She phoned her Mum and after a tearful few minutes discussing the cat she told her about her night out with David and was quite shocked that she seemed to approve of her dating him. ‘You must bring him to lunch so we can meet him’ That was progression. So why did she not answer his call until it was too late to take him up on the offer of going out that night when really she couldn’t wait to see him? At eight o’clock on Sunday evening s he turned on the TV quietly and sat there feeling sorry for herself and then the phone was ringing again . ‘Flick it’s me, David. Are you ok?’ ‘Not really. I’m sorry……. It’s just…….. My cat got run over last night. We found him this morning and I…. I’m a bit upset that’s all. I’d love to see you again but I don’t think I’d be very good company at the moment.’ ‘I’m sorry. Are you on your own?’ ‘Yes’ ‘I’m coming over.’ ‘No. David really I’m fine. It’s just…….. I miss him so much already, you know’ ‘Flick please. I want to talk to you and I’ve got the opportunity tonight. I don’t know when I will have again.’ ‘Oh……..’ Opportunity ; w hat does that mean? ‘If you really do want to see me again, as I do want to see you then we need to talk. There’s something I have to tell you.’ ‘Oh…….. Ok.’ He was married; m arried with three children. Or …... he was leaving the country; going to live in Australia ………. ‘Ok. Well you’d better come over then. But David………?’ ‘Yes’ ‘I’ve been quite upset today. I’m not looking my best’. ‘Nor am I’. He was there by eight thirty . Felicity had rushed upstairs, dabbed on a little make-up and changed her top. She looked in the mirror. She looked awful. Her eyes were red and swollen from all the tears but today she didn’t really care. When she opened the door to him and he held out his arms to her she burst