Since You've Been Gone (Welcome to Paradise)

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Book: Since You've Been Gone (Welcome to Paradise) by Elle Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Kennedy
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    “Charlotte. They were high school sweethearts, but she left after graduation to study at Juilliard. She came back a couple of years ago for their high school reunion, and the two of them reconnected.”
    “Juilliard, huh? That’s pretty impressive. What does she do for a living?”
    “She’s a singer.”
    Mari sounded even more impressed. “That’s cool. Would I have heard of her?”
    “Well, she’s pretty popular, so I’m guessing you have. Charlotte Hill?”
    In the blink of an eye, Austin found himself lying there alone, as Mari shot up to a sitting position, her jaw wide open.
    “Your sister-in-law is Charlotte Hill?” she exclaimed. “Why the heck didn’t you tell me that earlier?”
    “I take it you know her music,” he said dryly.
    “Duh. She’s awesome. I didn’t put any of her songs on my car playlists because her music’s too mellow for a road trip, but I have all her albums on my iPod. I can’t believe she’s married to your brother! You have a celebrity in your family—that’s so freaking cool.”
    He chuckled. “It’s so weird to hear you refer to her as a celebrity. I mean, technically she is, but Charlotte is so down-to-earth you’d never know she was famous. Actually, you’ll probably get to meet her when we get to Paradise. I don’t think she’s on tour right now.”
    “Wow, that would be unreal.” She shook her head in amazement. “I’ve never met a celebrity before. And I really do love her music. I hope I get the chance to tell her that.”
    “Well, she’ll be there for sure this coming weekend because of the party, but hopefully she’ll still be in town when we show up.”
    “What party?”
    Austin gave himself a mental kick in the shin. Fuck. Why had he let that detail slip?
    “What party?” Mari repeated when he didn’t respond.
    He stifled a sigh. “My mom’s fiftieth birthday is this Saturday.”
    “What! But that’s only six days away. Will you be able to get the assignment done in time to—” Mari’s blue eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute. You’re planning on skipping the party!”
    He didn’t answer, which put an outraged look on her face.
    “You can’t not go,” she said sternly. “You have to be there for your mother’s birthday. No matter how you feel about her right now, she’s still your mom.”
    “I know.” Misery jammed in his throat. “But I don’t think I can put on a happy face and pretend everything is okay. I had to do it at Nate’s wedding, and then Owen’s, and I don’t have the energy for another social occasion where I have to force a smile the whole time.”
    “That sucks,” she agreed, “but you don’t have a choice, bud. You’re going.”
    “It’s not like I’m not going home at all,” he said defensively. “I was planning on showing up next week. That way I can talk to my mom without my brothers glaring at me the entire time, which is what they’ll do if I’m at that party.”
    “You’re going,” she said again, firmer this time.
    He swallowed another sigh. “I still have this job to fini—”
    “Bullshit,” Mari interrupted. “You said so yourself—you can choose whichever and however many towns to shoot.” Her tone became businesslike. “You wanted to do Kansas and Nebraska this week, and then drive up to the Dakotas. The way I see it, we can hit the first two and still make it to Colorado in time for Saturday. But that means you’ll have to sacrifice North and South Dakota.”
    He sat up and dragged a hand through his hair. “I already told Nate I wouldn’t make it.”
    “Well, now you can call him and tell him you will.” She set her jaw. “I mean it, Austin, you can’t miss this party. You have to go.”
    “Or what?” he had to ask, even though he knew goading her was the last thing he ought to be doing. “What are you gonna do if I refuse? Tie me up, throw me in the trunk and drive me there yourself?”
    “You’re so melodramatic.” She rolled her eyes. “But to answer

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