Sick Obsession: A Twisted Love Story

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Book: Sick Obsession: A Twisted Love Story by Shawanda Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawanda Carter
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it’s not that big of a deal,” Travis said.
    “How, and why you pressing this man?” Darrius said, now getting upset.
    “You’re doing the same shit dad did to mom and you should know better!” Travis yelled.
    Darrius felt like he was just punched in the stomach.  All he could see was flashes of his childhood appearing and none of them looked as if his mother was hurting or his father had cheated.    
    “Watch your damn mouth.  Our father did not cheat on our mother!” Darrius said as he stood to his feet.
    “Really?  They said you wouldn’t remember being that you had to go to a therapist because you couldn’t handle it then,” Travis said as he stood and walked towards Darrius.
    “Is this the reason you came, so you could tell me some bullshit?” Darrius asked. 
    “No, I came because I needed to talk to you on why you haven’t heard from me in a while,” Travis said, now sounding sad.
    “Travis what’s going on man? I knew something was up from the moment you were on the phone,” Darrius said, quickly calming down. Both men sat back down and Darrius looked at his brother whose eyes began to water. Travis looked down at the floor and stated to talk.
    “I really screwed things up in my marriage,” Travis said.
    “What?” Darrius asked, stunned.
    “Let me finish,” Travis said.
    “Everything was good in the beginning.  We got along and I was happy with her. Somehow along the way I found myself wanting the company of other women.  It was good and I loved it.  She did not know and at some point, I did not care. I got so caught up in it that I failed to even notice my wife was leaving me.  Hell, when I realized it she was already gone,” Travis said with tears now coming from his eyes.
    “Man I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were dealing with this,” Darrius said.
    “Well, there is more,” Travis said through sniffs. “After she left everything just kind of hit me all at once. I started drinking, and then gambling became an issue for me,” Travis confessed, now sobbing. “I lost everything!” Travis said in between sobs.
    “Hey man, it’s going to be alright,” Darrius said as he hugged his brother.
    “No man, it’s not going to be alright,” Travis said as he pushed away from Darrius and got up from the seat. “Don’t you see, we are cursed!” Travis shouted out.
    “What do you mean cursed?” Darrius said jokingly.
    “You think this shit funny?” Travis said.
    “No man, but you sounding crazy as hell.  You messed up, so what?” Darrius shrugged.
    “Crazy? Not at all.  My ex-wife is expecting a child,” Travis said.
    “That’s good to hear man, congrats,” Darrius said.
    Travis just stood in silence and turned his head away from him. “It’s not mine,” Travis said softly.
    “I am so sorry bra,” Darrius said.
    “I just don’t want you to go through what I went through man,” Travis said. “You may not believe me about dad, but I didn’t know about you cheating on your wife until now, and you just found out about what I did to mine.  So, if that is not enough to prove to you, just go and visit the folks. We just repeating the same shit he did to mom,” Travis said.
    “Enough with that, our actions are our own, not dad’s,” Darrius said.
    “Maybe you’re right, but one thing I know is I allowed my pride and the fact that I am a man get in the way of what was most important,” Travis said as he turned back around to face Darrius.
    “And what was that?” Darrius asked.
    “Making sure my wife stayed happy,” Travis said.
    “Well my wife is not going anywhere,” Darrius said.
    “Yeah let’s hope so.  One of us got to get it right,” Travis responded.
    Lizeth sat in her car in front of Darrius’ company thinking of how to go about getting information from Martha without coming off as though she is clueless. I will just go in there and demand answers, Lizeth thought to herself. No that would be too direct. Oh well,

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