the situation before she started into her.
“Anyway,” her Mother said to Jackson, “I’ll be back in about a week most likely.”
This was the first Lilly had heard of any trip. “You’re going away?”
Mother took another sip of wine and nodded. “China. For business.”
Jessica’s mother was always going off to some part of the world for the business. The reason they were so rich was she inherited her father’s international distribution company when he died and now she ran it. Actually, she ran it so well it had doubled in size in the ten years she’d been in charge.
Lilly looked at Jackson. “Are you going too Daddy?” She loved teasing him. He was a good sport about it usually.
He smiled at her and shook his head. “No, not this time.”
“Oh good, we can have some daddy/daughter time then? Maybe a take your daughter to work day?”
“Anything for my favorite daughter.” He didn’t have any kids of his own and they enjoyed joking with each other since they were closer to each other’s age than was typical.
Jackson technically worked for her mother’s company as a consultant but as far as she could tell he didn’t really ever go to the office. His family had money but he didn’t have much of his own she didn’t think. Her Mother probably married him because he was sexy as hell and sweet most of the time.
Lilly picked up the iPad and opened the file with her newest design. “Mother, will you look at this?” She handed her the iPad, already thinking about what her pitch would be. Well, it was the same every time. She wanted money, but her mother was so wrapped up in her own business she never took the time to seriously think about Lilly’s ideas.
Mother took one look at the dress and handed the iPad back. “That looks nice, honey. Buy it if you want.”
Lilly took the tablet back, rolling her eyes. “Mom, that’s a dress I designed not one I want to buy.”
“Oh? Well, I think you did a nice job.” She looked back down at her phone, always checking her email or reading the news.
“Thank you, I do too. And I’d really like to talk to you again about me starting my own clothing line. I’m telling you I–“
Mother held her hand up. “Listen, I don’t have time to talk about this right now.” She checked her watch. “Shit, I have to leave or I might miss my flight. Walk me out Jackson?”
They both stood up, and Lilly stood with them. “Mom, you never listen to me.”
She stopped and kissed Lilly on the forehead. “I know sweetie. It’s a hard life you have. You know how I feel about this. You shouldn’t be wasting your time with that stuff. I know it’s a fun hobby but there’s no future in it.” She walked out, Jackson following her.
Lilly threw her iPad back down on the table and sat down, putting her forehead against the smooth wood surface. Why was she such a bitch sometimes?
The table vibrated, startling her. It was Jackson’s phone. Someone must have texted him. Lilly looked over her shoulder, checking to make sure no one was coming then quickly reached across and scooped his phone up. There was a text message on the screen from a contact called J.
She had to read it twice to make sure she wasn’t mistaken, but it was quite clear. ‘God, I need your cock so bad. Is she gone yet?’
Holy shit.
Jackson didn’t seem like the type to cheat but this was pretty damning evidence. Her heart pounded against her chest as she read it once more. Who was this J person and why was she texting him? This was so crazy.
She heard the front door open and close and she quickly put the phone back across the table, hopefully the same way it had been but she couldn’t remember exactly, then she opened her iPad and pretended to be tweaking her design but her thoughts were actually racing with this new revelation.
Jackson walked back into the dining room. “Hey, can I see that?”
She looked up at him, trying to act as calm as possible. “What
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