Shadow on the Sand

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Book: Shadow on the Sand by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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of Tefa.’
    You follow Banedon to the shelter of a toa tree, where you will be less conspicuous. The speaker is denouncing the Tefarim for imposing a heavy tax for safe passage through their town and for use of the highway to Kara Kala. His ranting begins to stir the crowd to fever pitch.
    Suddenly he points to where you stand and shrieks, ‘Tefarim spies!’
    Illustration XIII —His ranting begins to stir the crowd to fever pitch.
    If you want to try to reason with the crowd of screaming fanatics that are now running towards you with their swords drawn, turn to 284 .
    If you wish to follow Banedon's example and run for your life, turn to 340 .

    The Itikar fixes you with a cold, black stare, but you sense that it is no longer hostile. As you settle on its wide saddle, you catch sight of the Drakkarim streaming across the gangplank. Leaning forward, you unhook the anchor rope from the saddle ring and grab the thick leather reins.
    Turn to 343 .

    The dwarves continue their meal, pausing only to light large hooded pipes. Through the bluish hue of the pipe smoke that clouds the low cabin roof, you notice that they are casting nervous glances at you, as if you might explode at any moment.
    After five minutes have passed, Nolrim raises his tankard and proclaims a toast: ‘To Lone Wolf — a man among dwarves!’
    The dwarves guffaw at Nolrim's wry toast and raise their tankards in a salute to your courage and fortitude. The Bor-brew has loosened their tongues, and they are eager to tell you of their past exploits.
    Turn to 291 .

    Suddenly, the pain subsides — but the onslaught has only just begun. A mist as black as the grave is seeping from Haakon's mouth. It creeps along his outstretched arm and settles like a cloud in the palm of his upturned hand. Whirling shadow-shapes draw into focus; wings and tentacles sprout and take form. A curse in the dark tongue shakes the whole chamber as a deadly flood of horror hurtles from his hand.
    Illustration XIV —A deadly flood of horror hurtles from his hand.
    Crypt Spawn: COMBAT SKILL  24    ENDURANCE  40
    If you win the combat, turn to 353 .

    There is another searing blast, which hits the base of the huge pillar behind which you have taken refuge; it severs the stone in an instant. Your body is torn to pieces as the pillar explodes into a million fragments — the little of you that remains is buried beneath tons of falling sand and stone.
    Your life and the hopes of Sommerlund end here.

    The Drakkarim rush into the guard room, bellowing like Kalte mammoths and hacking madly at the air with their cruel, black swords. The leader advances on you, a mane of jet-black hair streaming from the open back of his helm, his sword held low for a thrust that will disembowel you. You sidestep and drive your weapon into his armoured chest. The black metal buckles, crushing his ribs, killing him instantly, but before he has fallen to the ground, two more Drakkarim are upon you. You cannot evade combat and must fight them to the death.
    Drakkarim: COMBAT SKILL  18    ENDURANCE  34
    If you win the combat, turn to 290 .

    You try to sidestep as the lethal blade hurtles towards you, but in the darkness you cannot be sure of the direction of its flight. You are hit in the chest, the blow smashing the air from your lungs. Lights flash before your eyes, and an explosion rings in your ears. You fall to your knees, and a sensation of numbness spreads through your chest. Through a haze of swirling mist, you see the Drakkar flung backwards, his breastplate torn open by dwarf shot. Banedon appears; his face is ashen grey. His lips move, but you cannot hear what he is saying. Images of Sommerlund swim in your mind and then slowly fade as oblivion engulfs you.
    Your life and the last hope of Sommerlund end here.

    Holding the Prism in the centre of the beam, you divert the light towards the hole in the floor. You hear the sound of stone grating on stone as the door

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