Shades of Gray

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Book: Shades of Gray by Maya Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Banks
     a lot of sick sons of bitches who are buying these girls out there, and I want their
     asses too.”
    Everyone nodded their agreement, their expressions grim.
    “Then let’s go nail his ass to the wall,” P.J. said. “I can flirt with the devil himself
     if it helps us save those babies.”
    Cole blew out his breath because she was right. If it were any other woman except
     P.J. he wouldn’t be so pissed over her going into this kind of situation. This is
     what they did. Whatever it took to accomplish the mission.
    He had to stop thinking of her as the woman he’d slept with, the woman he’d laid claim
     to, even if she had no idea that in his mind she was his.
    She was just a teammate tonight. One he had to back up and make sure they got out
     safe and unhurt. It was nothing they hadn’t done a hundred times before.
    “Okay then, if there are no questions or concerns, let’s move out,” Steele said.

    THE residence wasn’t what P.J. had been expecting. It was right in the heart of the city
     with off-street parking. Four men were performing valet duties and quickly moving
     along the line of cars waiting.
    Donovan had opted to park a block away so he’d have access to a vehicle if necessary,
     and he and P.J. walked toward the gate, where two burly looking security men had been
     posted to check invitations.
    Interestingly enough, there were several women, all decked out like Christmas trees
     scattered along the sidewalk. A stunning blonde was approached by one of the men getting
     out of his car. They conversed a moment and then the woman smiled and looped her arm
     through the man’s and they walked to the gate where he flashed his invitation.
    “Is that the European equivalent of a blind date?” P.J. murmured.
    Donovan chuckled. “Working girls. Just more high-class. And a hell of a lot more expensive.
     They get wind of a party like tonight’s and they know they can score a sugar daddy
     for the evening.
    “Is that what you are tonight?” she asked mischievously. “My sugar daddy?”
    “Hell no, I’m dumping your ass as soon as we get inside, remember?”
    They both fell silent when they approached the gate. Donovan extended the ornately
     inscribed invitation and they were motioned inside where another man directed Donovan
     to hold his hands above his head while he patted Donovan down.
    He glanced a moment at P.J. but then motioned her on after deciding there weren’t
     a lot of options for her to be hiding a weapon.
    It would make her feel a whole hell of a lot better if she had a handgun at least.
     Her rifle was an extension of herself. It was odd not to feel her hands around it
     when she was on a mission. But a pistol would do nicely for this occasion. Then maybe
     she wouldn’t be so nervous.
    Some women packed purses. P.J. packed heat.
    The stairway of stone steps leading up to the front door was long, and P.J. prayed
     she wouldn’t trip in her heels and break her neck before they ever got inside.
    When they finally reached the top, she sighed in relief and then took a deep breath
     as they entered the house. They were directed through the foyer and then to where
     double doors were open wide.
    Music and the din of conversation could be heard from within. Donovan didn’t hesitate,
     but walked in as if he owned the place, arrogant and confident. Surprisingly, he fit
     right in among the glitz and the glam of all the attendees.
    P.J. stopped in her tracks when she took in the glittering ballroom. Donovan’s grip
     tightened on her hand as he tucked it underneath his arm.
    “Don’t slow now,” he murmured. “Smile and look confident. Like you belong.”
    Easy for him to say. Places like this struck terror in her heart. It was filled with
     beautiful people. Beautiful rich people.
    There was a sea of them.
    She nearly laughed as Donovan expertly maneuvered them through the crowd toward the
     bar. She was here to garner the attention of one specific man. Gorgeous

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