SH Medical 07 - The Detective's Accidental Baby

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Book: SH Medical 07 - The Detective's Accidental Baby by Jacqueline Diamond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Diamond
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possibility of them developing something more serious. After listening to him recount in excruciating detail how he’d spent the night suctioning their little noses and monitoring their temperatures, Erica had tried to change the subject, only to receive a sharp response.
    Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked for hints about the announcement he was scheduled to make at a staff meeting later in the week. But she’d figured she deserved some advance notice, since it likely involved the proposed contest for which they’d been tossing around ideas for weeks. In addition to boosting morale and gaining publicity, he’d mentioned his goal of encouraging doctors to be more aggressive in using the latest fertility techniques, and he’d liked her suggestion of offering a reward. So she hadn’t expected him to snap, “In case this hasn’t occurred to you, Nurse, it’s called a surprise announcement because it’s supposed to be a surprise.”
    “Yes, Doctor,” she’d said as evenly as she could. Given her edgy mood these past few days, she figured she deserved a gold star for keeping her cool. But doctors didn’t give nurses credit for that sort of thing.
    As she downed a power bar to settle her queasy stomach, Erica missed the boost she normally got from coffee. But the stuff tasted bitter, no doubt due to a flood of hormones. The awareness that she couldn’t postpone taking a pregnancy test much longer didn’t help her mood, either.
    Delaying the news meant putting off having to decide what to do when the results came back positive, as she was pretty sure they would. For all Lock’s promises of aid, she was in this alone. Her body, her future.
    The fact that he’d phoned a few times didn’t reassure her. The guy must be trying to learn whether he was off the hook. Once she took the test, Erica supposed she’d have to call him back. And say what, exactly?
    Yeah, we had a great time. You reminded me of how wonderful it can be to connect with a man.
    Reminded wasn’t even the operative word. She’d never had that strong a sense of bonding with her husband.
    It scared the hell out of her. Far better to keep her distance, physically and in every other way. Falling in love led to pain and disappointment, and she’d had more than enough of those.
    She went to scrub in. Thank goodness for the orderly, focused nature of surgery.
    Erica had worked with Dr. Brennan before and liked the obstetrician’s no-nonsense manner. Nearly six feet tall, with dramatic red hair, Paige had joined the staff to fill in during Nora Kendall Franco’s extended maternity leave. No one seemed to know what Paige would do when Nora returned, but that didn’t appear to be imminent.
    Today’s surgery was a hysterectomy on a woman in her thirties seeking relief from endometriosis. Fortunately, she already had two children.
    “I don’t suppose you can tell us what Dr. Tartikoff plans to announce, can you?” Paige asked once the surgery was under way.
    “He nearly bit her head off when she asked this morning,” said Rod Vintner. The anesthesiologist had witnessed that unfortunate exchange.
    “Dr. T was in a bad mood,” Erica explained. “His kids are sick.” No matter how irritated she might feel, she didn’t criticize her doctor to others.
    “He fussed about them all morning.” Rod kept an eye on the display showing the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. “I didn’t even get a chance to tell him about my hot date last Saturday.”
    That sounded more interesting than runny noses and crying kids, Erica thought as she handed Dr. Brennan a scalpel. She saw the circulating nurse perk up, too.
    “Pray don’t keep us in suspense,” Paige said.
    Rod cleared his throat. “We had great vibes at dinner. Ever see the movie Tom Jones? That kind of dinner. Then she mentioned that she plans to get married next Valentine’s Day.”
    “She went out on a date when she’s engaged?” Erica asked in disbelief.
    “Not exactly.” Rod paused

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