Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3)

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Book: Sergei's Stubborn Captive (The Captive Series Book 3) by C.M. Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Steele
from the floor and tossed them on. “I was worried about killing the mood, but it seems all you could think about was him. I hoped to hell it wasn’t him you were thinking about when you lay with me. If giving me your virtue was a trade-off for information, well, you just lost. Excuse me.”
    He rushed from the room leaving her speechless.
    Lana sat in the bed for a while longer, trying to understand the fact that she just couldn’t let it go. Why did I have to go and ask that right at the moment? Why did I just ruin something so amazing?
    She got off the bed and grabbed her clothes. After using his bathroom, Lana returned to see her blood on the bed. She looked at it and knew she’d given him a lot more than her virginity; she’d given him her heart. Lana Grey fell in love with the wrong man. She wanted to run so badly, but she couldn’t get away.
    Lana walked out of the room, not exactly knowing where he went and if he was planning to talk to her again. She returned to her room and jumped into the shower. She had to rinse his scent off her, not because she was mortified by what she’d done, but because she still wanted him.
    After her shower, Lana changed and laid down in bed so she could think. About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. She pretended to be asleep, but Sergei wasn’t going to take her lack of response as a way to stay out. He walked into the room and saw her sleeping.
    He kicked the mattress. “Sleeping beauty, wake up. It’s time for you to go.”
    “To go where?” Lana asked right away.
    “Back home,” Sergei growled.
    “For real.” Lana’s mind was going a million miles a minute, but not in a good way. He wanted her gone.
    “Yes. The plane will be ready in twenty minutes. You can go to your house, which is all back in order, and you can do whatever you want. Thanks for the nice lay,” he responded, still very livid. Sergei walked out of the room and the insult hit her to the core. Lana didn’t say another word to anyone until she was on her flight.
    Sergei waited until she was gone before he walked out of the back veranda. He was afraid that he’d try to keep her there if he saw her trying to leave. She had obviously not wanted to be with him. Santini was the only person she was concerned about. Sergei walked to his bedroom and poured himself a drink. Downing the glass, he poured another and sat on his bed, wondering how she could give herself to him but all the while still thinking about another man. It was cold and brutal.
    His phone was ringing and ringing, but Sergei refused to answer it. Nikolai had begged him to calm down earlier, but he refused and sent Lana on her way. Sergei wasn’t in the mood to hear another lecture.
    When Sergei woke up there was ten missed calls from Nikolai and a voicemail. He pressed the button to hear what Nikolai wanted.
    “Hey, Jackass, I was trying to get a hold of you. It’s about your Lana and why she wants to find Santini. Call me.”
    Sergei jumped up and called him in a hurry.
    “Nikolai, what is it?” Sergei asked in a rush.
    “No ‘hellos’ or anything like that?” Nikolai teased, which only annoyed Sergei.
    Frustrated, he growled, “Just get to the point.”
    “You’re going to kick yourself, but here it is. She was never married to Santini. Her twin sister, Ana, was married to Santini and disappeared over a year ago.”
    Sergei’s mind was just blown by the revelation. “What!? That explains a lot, but why didn’t she just tell me.”
    Nikolai guffawed and said, “I don’t know. I barely understand my wife, and you’re asking me about another woman. They operate different, and there isn’t a manual big enough to explain them.”
    Sergei wanted to kick himself for letting her go. “Fuck, I just sent her back. She should have taken off by now.”
    “So what are you going to do? Sulk and drink like a pussy licking his wounds, or go get your woman back?”
    “She’s not my woman,” Sergei

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