Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles)

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Book: Sekhmet's Curse (Pearl Vampire Chronicles) by Dara Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Nelson
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four-thousand years of existence .” she said.
    I visibly gulped, “You, you’ve been searching for a replacement for four-thousand years?” I whispered.
    “It’s one of the requirements.  The moment you are given this knowledge, you must begin your search for a suitable replacement should you ever decide that your time on this planet is done.  I have been ready to go for hundreds , even thousands of years.  And now I finally have some hope that I have found someone who will pass the tests and guard this sacred knowledge well : The strength that I’ve seen , t he compassion , t he intelligence is such that it can only mean success. But,”
    I interrupted her, “You’ve seen that in the short time that he’s been alive?” I gasped.   How could she possibly have seen that in him already?  Suddenly Matt and Carlos stepped protectively in front of me.  I stared at their backs, confused, as I tried to figure out why they were doing this.  Sekhmet went on, ignoring my question as if she hadn’t even heard it, “But, it’s the bond between you that will be the catalyst.  The bond is the strength.  The bond is the guide.  The bond…….between a mother and child.”
    I heard Carlos choke out a  “ Please, don’t .”  And Matt tensed.  My eyes shot between Jason and Sekhmet as it finally dawned on me what she was saying.  She looked at the two of us.  Carlos whispered a little louder this time, “I beg of you.  Please don’t.   Take me instead. ”
    She ignored his plea, stepped forward and said, in a booming voice, “Sarah and Jason.  I summon you.”
    Carlos dropped to his knees as he cried out, “NO!”
    Matt turned around and wrapped me in his arms.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bahiti squeeze her eyes shut and drop her head.  Suddenly Carlos jumped up.  “You can’t have her!” he yelled as he began to charge at her.  Bahiti yelled, “Carlos!  Don’t !”  But nothing was going to stop him.  He ran right through the apparition, and collapsed on the floor screaming and crying out in agony.  Sekhmet reappeared a few feet to his left.  She looked down at him, “I would suggest that you don’t do that again.  It would probably kill you.” 
    Bahiti moved from around the desk and bent down to Carlos.  She helped him up and brought him back over to us, whispering to him as she did, “Don’t Carlos.  You have no idea of her strength or her powers.  She’ll kill you.  And that won’t help Sarah.”
    “Help Sarah??   How the fuck am I supposed to do that when she’s going to be locked in a room with her?” he motioned to Sekhmet.  I saw the panic in his eyes.  I reached over and put my hand on his cheek, forcing his eyes to meet mine.   “You’ll help, Carlos.  You always do,” I whispered.  I watched as the panic gave way to sadness in his eyes.  “Oh shit, Sarah,” he groaned as he buried his head in my neck.
    Matt whispered, “Now? Are you taking her now?”
    “No.  The first test they need to pass does not require them coming with me.  The first test requires them to find Jason’s father.  You must work together to find him.  And I would suggest quickly, because he has no food, or access to food , other than small animals , where he is.”
    “What?” Jason yelled.  I held him back as he automatically tried to step towards her.
    “Hints?   Clues?   Do we get any kind of help here?” I said.
    “I will only tell you that you have been there since your birth , Sarah .  They have not,” she said, indicating Matt and Carlos ,  “ and the child’s father has not. ”
    :Birth as a human or birth as a vampire?” I said.
    She smiled at me, “The only birth that matters to me.  Your birth as a vampire.   Once you find him, dead or alive , you then have sixty days to appear in my temple.  If you are not there within the sixty days, I will begin systematically killing vampires, starting with those that you cherish the most. And my advice

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