SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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Book: SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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    It felt like I only closed my eyes for a minute, but when I open them again, I’m alone in a hospital room. I look around. April is not here with me. I check under the covers. I’m in a hospital gown. I’ve been cleaned up. A sense of calm overcomes me. I tell myself I’m going to be fine and let the tears fall.
    A nurse walks in to check on me. I ask about April, and find out she’s been stabilized, but in intensive care. She says April and I will have to be transferred to a drug rehab center to be treated for the drugs in our system. I figured they would need to keep us for a while, so it doesn’t surprise me.
    She tells me someone is waiting to see me and asks if I’ll talk to them now. I nod and she leaves the room to get them. A few minutes later, I look up and see Blake standing in the doorway. He’s got one arm in a splint, and his shoulder is bandaged.
    “Hi,” I say.
    I feel shy all of a sudden. “You were shot?”
    “Yes. Nothing too serious. Flesh wound. I’ll be fine in a few weeks.”
    “Good. So, uh, you got your job back?”
    “Yes. Thanks to Ryan, a colleague who believed in me. Did I mention he’s dating Brenda? He sprang that on me while I was getting stitched up in the emergency room.”
    I look up at him and wonder what to say. I don’t know where to start.
    “I’m sorry I doubted you, Blake,” I finally manage, and the words catch in my throat.
    “It’s okay.”
    “Thank you for coming back for me. And…for not giving up on me.”
    He moves to stand beside my bed. “Of course I kept looking, Carrie. I feel horrible about what you went through.”
    “I’ve never been good at trusting people.”
    “It’s okay, Carrie. Everything is fine now.”
    He sits on the edge of the bed and leans down to me. “Carrie, from the moment we met all those years ago, I knew I loved you. And I’ve never stopped. I should have told you long before that night you were taken. I was a fool.”
    He places his palm on my cheek, looking into my eyes. His face is so close, and I want to kiss him, but I can’t make the first move. I just look at him. He tips my chin up and places his soft lips over mine in a passionate kiss. I moan and wrap my hands around his shoulders. He pulls from the kiss and whispers in my ear that he needs me. I pull him closer, melting into him.
    I am finally safe.

    Six Weeks Later
    Carrie and I finally get home after dropping April to the airport. She spent six weeks in the drug rehab center, and now she’s ready to go back to Iowa. Carrie has been out for two weeks. I asked her to move in with me as soon as she was released, and she happily said yes. It was the icing on the cake for her.
    With all the media coverage on the case, Carrie was interviewed several times, and invited to document her experience. She’s a virtual celebrity now. She’s spoken out against human trafficking at every occasion. So when the New York Tribune offered her a job as a junior reporter, she accepted it. She starts in a week. We have so much to celebrate.
    We walk into my place. I’m back on night shift, so I tell her I should get some rest before I have to head out.
    “So, umm,” She says shyly, “do you want me to come with you?”
    I nod, and we go upstairs to my room—our room.
    “I want you,” she whispers, and snakes her arms around my neck. I lean down and kiss her passionately. She’s undulating against me and I want all of her so badly, I let out a growl and push her back against the wall. Her hands are at my chest, furiously pushing off my jacket and attacking my shirt buttons. I pull away for a second to examine her face.
    “Make love to me, Blake.”
    The urgency in her tone stops me from hesitating any longer. I look into her eyes and hold her gaze as I slip her shirt down her shoulders and lower my head to her neck. I press hungry kisses from her neck, down past her collarbone, and lower still to her breast. I

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