SEIZED Part 1: New Adult Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)
at me strangely. I can see that she’s already made the logical connection I made, too. This woman is no fool.
    “So, you’re telling me that April’s being used as ammunition against her uncle?”
    I nod. “It could be a revenge tactic, but they’re most likely after something and wanted to hit Jessup where it would hurt the most. He’s always kept his family distant, so this will challenge him directly. It’s been less than twelve hours, but I’m sure he’s already aware of what’s happened and will be mobilizing his resources to make a move.”
    I can see Carrie is floored. She doesn’t know what to say, and sits in silence. We look at each other, and I watch her processing what this information means. A range of emotions crosses her face, but I wait. Now is not the time. Carrie has to come to terms with the truth about Jessup, and make this decision on her own.

    E verything Blake said washes over me, and with it, the realizations surface hard and fast. My best friend’s uncle is a kidnapper. April is a pawn. They will probably kill her. There’s nothing I can do. Thank God I got away, but now I may lose my best friend forever. And lastly, how did I know nothing about this?
    It all makes sense, though. This is the reason April’s mom always kept them away from her uncle. This is the reason she’s been acting weird, and this is what made April so reluctant to go the club. I can’t believe she wouldn’t tell me something this big. Maybe she didn’t know? The thoughts are endless, swirling around my head. I don’t know where to begin, but I know one thing: there’s no way I can be alone. No matter how much I want to.
    “So, where’s your place then?” I ask him directly, and there’s immediate relief on his face that I’m considering it.
    “I share a two story walk-up with my sister and my nephew. It’s in Brooklyn, and it’s private. You’d have your own room.”
    After everything I’ve seen this morning, it’s starting to sound like the best plan of action. I’m struck by how vulnerable I’ll be in someone else’s house with none of my stuff, no phone, and no money to get home again. Whatever the case, if the only other option is being taken and abused like those kids were, then there really is only one good option.
    But still, something is niggling at the edge of my consciousness. It’s the voice I’ve learned to listen to in the past. It took a hard lesson back then, and I’ll never make that mistake again.
    “Will you be with me constantly?”
    He laughs a bit. “Well, if you go out, yes. But I’ll still work the Jessup case, so you’ll have that time to yourself at least.”
    I ponder the decision, and the frustration on his face is obvious. I know it seems like a simple call for him, but I need to look after myself. I know that no one else will do it, so he can shove his impatience up his ass. At least his sister’s going to be there. He can’t be too corrupt if he lives with her. Surely, a man who’s willing to help care for a kid who isn’t his wouldn’t put me in danger. I can already tell I’m talking myself into it. It’s the only logical thing to do.
    I nod, and tell him I’ll come. We stare at each other for a second over the table. I can see something in his eyes. He’s telling me to trust him. I want to, I really do. I mean look at him. The man’s a gorgeous police officer. Cops might suck, but they are all about law and protecting people. Plus, Blake looks great while he’s doing it.
    The first small smile of the day threatens to turn my mouth upward as I take a moment to ponder it. He’s tall, a muscled hunk with no reason to be anything but kind to me. Surely, it’s okay. It must be time for me to live a little, and dear God, what would cutting loose with this man actually be like? I feel my cheeks flush just thinking about it, and I’m sure he can read my mind when he smiles like that.
    The room is quiet again. I’m sitting

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