bud of hope formed. Would it bloom?
On Tuesday a box of chocolates arrived moments before Allie popped in to discuss several future issues of Good Eatin’ so they could coordinate. Meg pocketed the card.
“Chocolates,” Allie said. “Are you opening them?”
“Not just any chocolates. They’re called Silken Savories.” Meg opened the box and took one. The creamy chocolate held a hint of spice.
Allie moaned and reached for a second. “They’re wonderful. Where did you find them? Are they going to be featured in the February issue?”
“Maybe.” If she could discover where they could be bought. If Steve had sent them what had he written on the card? Did his thoughts go beyond I want you? “How’s the lover’s menu developing?”
“Greg’s working on menus to make them easy to follow.” Allie grinned. “We’re been eating savory menus lately. You should have them soon.”
“Good. If I can handle the cooking anyone who can read shouldn’t have a problem. “Did you speak to Mark and Matt?”
“They’re thinking.” Allie took a third piece of candy.
Meg laughed. “Do you want the box?”
“They’re yours.”
“Have you chosen the colors for the wedding yet?”
“Silver and gold. We’re heading to Europe for the honeymoon. We’ll be gone for a month.”
Meg looked away. Not a good idea to let her envy show.
Allie rose and walked to the door. “See you.”
Meg opened the card. “How and sweet like your kisses.”
Had to be Steve. Should she call or wait to see what he planned? What if she called and learned this was an elaborate way to tease her? She wanted forever. She wasn’t sure he was a man to grant that wish.
On Wednesday a basket filled with scented creams and lotions appeared on Meg’s desk. Before she removed the card Allie snatched and held the envelope out of Meg’s reach.
Allie danced away. “Silken Moments. Imagine my hands smoothing your skin with these.” She laughed. “So that’s what he meant. Steve’s sending these gifts. Told you he likes you.”
Memories stormed Meg’s body. Remember and imagine. She hadn’t been about to forget the weekend. “The cards aren’t signed. Could be someone else.”
“My money’s on him. I’d say he’s ready to be plucked.”
“Could be just another way to tease me. The events of last weekend could be the biggest mistake of my life.”
Allie arched a brow. “Tell me more about what went on.”
“Not happening.”
“Heard a rumor that he’s healed faster than the doctor in Alaska thought. He’s scheduled for a meeting on Monday with Mark to talk about a new assignment.”
Meg shrugged. How could she guess what the gifts meant? If he intended a seduction ending in a fling she had to walk away. No matter how much she regretted the decision. New rule two.
Do not fall for seduction.
She looked up. “What’s new on the wedding plans?”
“I have a great idea.”
“Since I’m your maid of honor, tell me.”
Allie laughed. “I turned all the boring details over to Greg’s mom. Our step-mother likes fussing. We’ll close the restaurant and have the reception there.” She opened a folder. “Sketches of the dresses.”
Meg studied the pictures. “Mind if I make some changes. Remember I studied design.”
Allie grinned. “Why else would I show them to you? Put your degree to work. See you in a few days. I’m off to Atlanta to visit several restaurants.”
On Thursday an Oriental silk painting arrived. Meg’s cheeks burned. The painted couple were posed in an erotic position. She opened the card. “Tonight when you’re falling asleep dream of the couple being us.”
Did that mean she would see him before Monday? Thoughts of his suggestion of workplace encounters flowed freely. For a few moments the images appeared. She clenched her hands to stem the urge to touch her body in places where he had. Enough. To work.
When she reached her apartment she spent the evening hoping and waiting to hear an
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