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Book: Seduced by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins
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bakeries in Seattle, that probably have a six month wait list, but expects a little small-town café in the middle of nowhere to pull everything out of thin air and to be able match up to her impossible standards, to boot.
    “Valerie, I think we need to back up here. Think about what you’re asking.”
    Both of them snap to look at me, and I start to feel like I’m in hostage negotiations.
    “What do you mean?” Valerie’s voice is shrill.
    “I’m just saying we’re a small café. We don’t have the space or resources to put out an order like that, and I’ve never even attempted to decorate a cake before with anything other than a basic frosting. I add sprinkles if I’m feeling adventurous!”
    I’ve seen the sketch of the original cake order. It’s a four-tiered monstrosity with handmade figurines based on pictures of her as a baby.
    “What you’re asking is impossible.”
    “Can’t you just get some extra helpers and make a production line or something?” My mom asks.
    I hold up my hands in surrender. “Just give me the order, I’ll figure it out, somehow.”
    “Perfect!” Valerie exclaims, throwing her arms around me. “I knew you’d save the day!”
    Oh my word. Talk about a pregnancy-hormone roller coaster ride.
    Poor Tom , I think, having a sudden surge of sympathy for my brother-in-law.
    Since they both seem so happy with me—at the moment—I decide that now is as good a time as any to tell them about Brandon.
    “There is one other thing I need to bring up,” I say.
    “What’s that dear?” My mom asks from her perch.
    “It’s not really about the baby shower, more about what will happen afterwards.”
    “Oh, that’s simple,” my mother interrupts. “Your father and I are going to stay here while Valerie is in labor, and then you can come up too, so we can each take turns going to the hospital. I expect you’ll be able to take some time off from work, Charity. After all, how often does your sister have a baby?”
    “Okay, well that’s good to know. But actually, what I was going to say is that I won’t be here for the birth, but I will fly back as soon as I get the call.”
    They both look confused. “What are you talking about? Are you going on vacation?” This time Valerie interrupts.
    “Well, not exactly. Brandon and I are back together, and he’s asked me to move to California with him when he goes back to shoot his next movie. But don’t worry we don’t leave for another six weeks, so I’ll be here for the shower.” I explain, hurrying to get everything out before they can interrupt again.
    “ What !” they both scream at the same time.

Chapter Eleven
    “You are not going to believe this!” I shout as I burst through the front door. I step out of my shoes and kick them across the room.
    Brandon pokes his head around the corner.
    I start to shrug out of my coat, but my elbow gets caught in the sleeve.
    “Fuck!” In frustration, I start to violently thrash my arms around, trying to get out, but that only makes it worse. I stomp around the entryway as I struggle to escape.
    Brandon crosses the room and calmly pulls the jacket off. “What the hell happened over there?”
    I shake my head, not sure where to start.
    I stare at my discarded shoes for a moment before picking them up and setting them by the front door, side by side.
    I take a deep breath and slowly release it, before launching into the whole story.
    “Everything was fine until I told them about us and moving to California. I don’t even know what possessed me to bring it up. I should have known they’d be unsupportive. Everything with your family had gone so well, that I figured it would go as well with mine too. Maybe I am an idiot.”
    “What? Hold on. What exactly did they say?” Brandon asks. His eyebrows are knit together in concern.
    “Well my mother told me she thinks I should take some more time to think it over since it’s such a big decision. And Valerie flat out told me that

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