Secrets In Savannah (Phantom Knights)

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Book: Secrets In Savannah (Phantom Knights) by Amalie Vantana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amalie Vantana
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I craved
    She scoffed.
    “I know you,
Guinevere. Seduction is not your strength. Subterfuge yes, manipulation without
question, but not seduction.”
    Her anger
disappeared like that of a wilting flower. “You are in the wrong, Jack. I do
what I must to succeed in my ends.”
    “Denial will
only make this journey all the longer, Guinevere.”
    Her anger
snapped back into place. “So too will arrogance of which you have in
    “Madam wife , let he who is without fault cast the first stone.”
    She shook her
head, but a smile broke through her attempt at resistance. “My specious
husband, you are peerless.”
    “Untrue, my
darling,” I said as I took her hand and placed it on my arm. “You are my match
and for that reason I mean to make you my wife.”
    “That reason
alone?” she inquired.
    “Not at all, but
some mysteries must be saved for marriage.” I ran my finger down her cheek to
her lips. When they parted, I smiled. Her resistance was cracking, and no bogey
from her past would stand in our way.

    After a late night dealing with one of
the men sent by my uncle, it was mid-morning before I left my cabin.
    Hannah had not been awake when Jack
brought me back to my cabin, but she had known that I went out. When I had
awakened, she asked if I enjoyed my late night stroll. She laughed when she
heard about Jack hitting Leo.
    “Those Phantoms would perish if they
could not fight with someone, which leads me to Elizabeth. She has done well
for herself. Her Mr. Mason was divine,” Hannah said as she arranged my hair for
the day.
    “Be thankful that you did not attempt a
flirtation with him. Bess would have struck you down, and I do believe she
would have enjoyed it.”
    “You prove my point. A violent bunch
these spies. You should step warily when it comes to Jack. The leader is always
the most precarious.”
    It almost made me smile that she did not
know that Bess, and not Jack, had been the leader of the Phantoms.
    “I am not your competition, you know,”
Hannah said abruptly. Her eyes were stayed on her task, but I could sense her
awaiting my reply.
    “I never thought you were,” I replied,
if not with complete honesty at least with a semblance of the truth.
    It was true that Jack had thought he was
chasing Hannah as the white phantom, kissing Hannah, when in truth he was
chasing me, and kissing me.
    “Your words say one thing but your eyes
say another.”
    Staring at her for a full minute I did
not know what she thought she was reading in my eyes, but whatever it was, it
should not have been there. Perhaps Harvey was right, perhaps I was slipping in
my duties. I had long since mastered the art of keeping all thoughts and
emotions from my eyes unless I wanted them to be there. I was master of my
emotions until Jack came into my life, and like a fool I fell for him. It was
never his poetry, which was laughable, or his good looks, though those aided my
traitorous feelings. It was the way he saved me. When he came to my rescue at
the Inn in Philadelphia, I was shocked at the lightning bolts of excitement
that coursed through me when he reached his hand down to me. I thought about
little else for a long time, and when I saw him again in his mother’s house I
knew that I was on a spiraling slope with nothing to hold on to.
    Hannah handed me my auburn wig, but did
not move to help me put it on. “You need to know that I have no designs upon
Jack. My affections are engaged elsewhere. So, I hope that you can come to
trust me.”
    Seeing the earnestness in Hannah’s
expression, I felt myself softening just a mite. I may not have fully trusted
her, but I did not fully trust anyone.
    “I know what it is to be separated from
the one that you love. If you love Jack, you should not let anything stand in
your way. The lord knows you deserve some happiness.”
    I said nothing while Hannah arranged my
wig for me, for she had given me much to

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