Secrets (Codey #1)

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Book: Secrets (Codey #1) by Elena Moreno Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elena Moreno
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    "Let me do that for you." Mike said running to her side. That only earned him a glare.
    “I can do it for myself.”
    “You Mrs. Codey, are so hot when you’re angry." His words were followed by a rub to her stomach. "I don't know what it is about seeing you like this. It makes me hotter for your body."  Casey smacked his hand away.
    "Keep it in your pants mister, the family’s waiting for us." It took a little longer than expected to get dressed without any help. When they finally made it to the main house, everyone was there.
    She had been feeling very uncomfortable the last couple of days. “I'm not very hungry Lucy, but thank you.” Another minor contraction hit during dinner. The doctor said first labor always takes longer so Casey was trying to pretend everything was Ok.
    When they went to the living room for coffee, her water broke. "Mike, can you come here please." Everyone was already in the living room but her. It was getting hard to remember the breathing technique and stay calm.
    When Mike entered the dining room she was hunched over. "What the hell? Who spilled water on the floor? Casey baby, be careful. You don’t want to fall." She just straightened and smiled.
    "Mike, I need you to stay calm for me. My water just broke. So I need you to drive me to the hospital."  He was wide eyed, it made her worry.
    "Oh my God, oh my God. What do I do?" Casey rolled her eyes.
    "Come grab my hand. Now let’s go to the car. Then you can drive me to the hospital." Well, at least helping him was taking her mind off the pain.
    They made it as far as the door to the living room before he freaked. "The baby's coming! Her water broke."
    When they finally made it to the hospital she was calm enough to sign in. Mike was another story. Yet she held it together until the room was ready. Once there, the contractions increased and she was ready to call it quits. With every contraction, Mike tried to hug her.
    “Get away from me. This is all your fault." Her scream had him backing away in shock. The doctor came and informed her that she was only five centimeters dilated. It hurt like hell. What had she been thinking? The kid had to come out of her.
    She let out a whimper of pain and heard the chair squeak. "Don't you dare come next to me, or I’ll castrate you." The glare she sent his way left no doubt. When the doctor came in again she cried. "I changed my mind. Give me the epidural. Knock me out and make the pain go away.
    Everyone came to visit. Luckily, the Epidural had been done so she was feeling a hell of a lot better. "I'm sorry Mike." She reached for him.
    “Baby, if I could take your place and spare you this pain. I would."
    "Sure, easy for you to say. You know you can't, so that’s just an empty gesture." The doctor came in just as she shot him another glare.
    He chuckled, "Mr. Codey, right now you’re the enemy. Don't take it personally." Casey felt bad for Mike, who looked sad and lost.
    Yet when the contractions started to get more painful again she hated him. "I change my mind. I don't want to have this baby after all." Now the doctor started to laugh at her.
    "Too late now young lady. It's time to start pushing. The contractions are going to increase in pain. I'm turning down the Epidural so the pain from the contractions will help you push." Her jaw dropped.
    Mike walked over to hold her hand when they positioned her body to facilitate the pushing. "Ok young lady. Here comes a good contraction. Now push." Holy hell, she felt like she was being ripped apart.
    She looked up at her husband. "I hate you Michael Codey. This is all your fault. Get away from me.” Casey pushed him away. He had no choice but to move back. After the contraction stopped she held her hands out again. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I love you, please hold my hand." The same pattern went on for over seven more pushes.
    It was all worth it when they heard

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