a call. I hadn’t been able to reach him last night.
“I have good and bad news,” I told him when he picked up. “I'll start with the good news.
“Turns out my issues with my mom were based on a misunderstanding.” As I recounted Mom’s revelations and the news of her illness, tears welled up in my eyes again. I had cried all night after Mom went to bed, ridden with guilt and regret. “I can't believe thirteen years ago I left without even saying goodbye to her. I feel terrible.”
“Good for both of you. I'm sorry about her cancer.” Somehow his words didn't sound genuine. His tone was emotionless.
“Me too.” I hesitated. “We just found our way to each other. I hate to think about the cancer.”
“Is she getting treatment?” His voice was dry and tired now, as though he was bored with the discussion.
“She doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in hospitals. The doctors said there's nothing anyone can do.” I sighed. “I tried to convince her to come and stay with us, but she refused—”
“You what?” Miles cut me off.
“I asked her to come and stay with us. I mean… we have the space, and I could keep an eye on her.”
“Why would you do that? You didn't even run it by me.”
“She's my mom. I thought you'd understand.”
Miles didn’t respond.
“Miles, you there?”
“I am. I just don't see why you would do such a thing without consulting me first.”
I sat down at the desk, my head reeling. “My mom is sick; I want to be there for her. I didn’t think it would be an issue.”
“You were wrong. It is an issue, damn it. You should have asked me first. You’re inviting someone into our home, the place we go to get away from it all.”
“Baby, it’s not as if she'd live with us forever, just a couple of months.”
“This is the same woman you never wanted to see again, remember? The woman who ruined your life? After only a few hours you're not only forgiving her, you're asking her to come and live with us. I don't get it.”
I lowered my forehead onto the surface of the desk and closed my eyes. More tears threatened to spill. Why was Miles acting this way? He was the kind of person who would do anything for people in need. He gave away millions to charity. But now that I wanted us to care for my mom, he was reacting so strangely, so unlike himself.
After a moment of silence on both ends of the line, I got it. He didn’t want to share me with anyone else. For a year it had been just us. His parents had died in a car accident when he was a child, and my mom had been out of the picture. Miles and I only had each other. Now I was bringing someone else into our lives, someone else important to me.
“Miles, don’t worry about it. I don't want to fight. She's not coming anyway. She doesn’t want to.” I was still a bit upset that he wouldn't make such a sacrifice for my mom, his future mother-in-law. He had lost his mother, but now he would get another through marriage.
He sighed. “Look, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say those things. I don't know what got into me. It's fine. If you want her to stay with us for a while, it's okay.”
“You're so hot and cold. You were so adamant a moment ago that you didn’t want her to stay with us. What changed?”
“I don't know. It's been a stressful couple of days. And I have to go on a last-minute trip out of town. I'm on the jet right now.”
“Okay.” I sucked in a breath. “She... she wants to come to the wedding. Can I invite her?” I had already invited her, but I didn't want Miles to react the way he had a few minutes ago.
“Of course she can come to the wedding. If you’ve forgiven her, I do too.”
That was the man I knew him to be. The caring, loving man I had fallen for.
“By the way, did you sort out what you went there to take care of?”
A chill spread through me. “Not yet. But I will soon. I'm planning on coming back tomorrow.” It would be hard leaving Mom in her
Maureen McKade
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Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
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Mazo de La Roche
John Meaney