Search Me
with the Jeep’s engine as one of Jensen’s men fired another two shots. Each crack of the gun caused my body to shudder. Thankfully, the bullets didn't make it through the Jeeps' metal frame. The tires squealed out of the driveway as we headed to the main road of the Lauren Valley Hideaway Subdivision. My chest clenched at the site of my house. I wanted nothing more than the safety of its familiar walls. But Maddox roared right on past it and decided to ditch the interstate for the heavily tree-lined, traffic-free backwoods roads.
    The Jeep careened on and off the pavement while my fingers formed a death grip on the sides of the seat. The woods melted in a blur of emerald greens, sending my stomach churning. As we headed further away from civilization, the houses and cabins dotting the landscape started becoming fewer and fewer. Maddox had made a sharp right turn hoping to lose Jensen, but they fell in behind us.
    “Do you have any idea where you’re going?” I asked.
    “Not exactly,” he replied, his knuckles white from his too tight hold on the steering wheel. I glanced over at him, and for the first time, I noticed the sweat trickling down his temple and his hardened set jaw. The strain of keeping his emotions in check was visible, but somehow he was managing to keep it together. I was thankful for that because I felt like every molecule in my body was going to scatter at any given moment.
    If Maddox didn’t know where he was going, I was clueless. We’d gone farther past the real estate developments than I’d ever been, and we were deep, deep into the woods. The road was no longer paved, and we tumbled along the gravel and dirt path. I couldn’t make out any houses—instead it was all trees, along with a creek rushing along the right side.
    Maddox had almost careened past a dirt trail when he whipped the Jeep through some bushes and back onto the path. A horrible screeching noise along with the sound of whooshing air jolted me in my seat. Frantically, I turned to Maddox.
    “Dammit, just when we had an advantage on them, they shot out the back tires.” He glanced left and right before settling on taking the dirt road to the left.
    “What are we going to do now? I mean, we kinda need tires in the middle of a car chase.”
    Maddox turned to give me what I could only classify as a ‘ Keep your hysterical self calm because I really can’t take your bullshit now!’ look. He sucked in a breath before replying, “As soon as the Jeep stops, we jump out and start running like hell into the woods.”
    I widened my eyes as icy fear pricked my skin. Running through the woods while trying to dodge a hail of bullets? Was he crazy? It took me a few seconds to find my voice, and even then I could barely choke out, “That’s it? That’s the plan?”
    “Look, as soon as I can get some cover behind a downed tree or something, I’ll start returning fire. I’ve got enough ammunition to buy us some time.”
    His plan didn’t seem all that comforting. Sure, he had Army training and had parachuted out of planes, but me? I was a helpless and hopeless ballerina. And I was pretty sure I couldn’t pirouette my way out of this one.
    A quick peek in the rear view mirror showed Jensen’s car stuck on the same path. His tires spun, sending clumps of mud flying. They started inching forward. At the same time, I heard the thumping sound of our tires going completely flat.
    “Okay, we’re breaking to the right over that hill,” Maddox instructed as he grabbed his backpack along with a shiny barreled shotgun. “Go!”
    My fingers momentarily fumbled with the door handle. Finally, I threw it open. I barely let my feet hit the ground before I started running, darting over tree limbs and logs while trying my best not to slip and fall.
    Maddox appeared at my side, pushing me in front of him so he could act as a human shield. The gesture made me feel a little more confident, and I pushed myself to run faster. I didn’t dare look

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