Scars (Marked #2.5)

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Book: Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes
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    Taking the shirt, I walked out and back toward the way I entered. That little visit had set in motion my plan. There was no stopping me now.
    Once inside my car, I brought the shirt back up to my face and rubbed the fabric against my cheek—breathed him in one final time before tossing the soft cotton garment toward the passenger seat.
    “You’ll thank me for this one day.”


    “Where are you?” The voice on the other side of the line asked. His voice was angry, accusatory, and worst of all…worried. I’d just passed the halfway point between my home and Talan’s shop when the phone rang. “You shouldn’t be out alone after everything that happened last night. What if…”
    “I’m okay, Jaime.” His huff told me he didn’t believe me. I was aware of the fact that half of the things I’d done as of late made no sense, was paying the price for it as we spoke, but this had been necessary. Last night a part of me had died, become fragile.
    Today, that had changed. Being inside those four walls had reawakened my codependency to what that shop represented.
    No more pain.
    No more loneliness.
    No more being medicated in order to function like a normal member of society.
    My independence hovered within my reach, and it was about time that I took the reins, claimed my life back. The life stolen from me by Sarah’s death and my parents’ abandonment—the same parents that, after finding religion, have become my judges and executioners. They now knew better.
    They’d love to have me committed in the name of looking like the caring parents they haven’t been since my youth. Bet it would look very good in front of their church to “save” me, but I’d be fucked if I ever gave them that pleasure.
    “Had something important to take care of.” There, that should placate him. I’d never been in the habit of informing him of my comings and goings. It also wasn’t a lie. Having so much up and in the air when it came to me and Talan was driving me up a wall. Threw me off balance and wouldn’t let me rest. “I’m on my way back now.”
    “Good.”  Jaime’s voice had now lost all its hostility, yet I could feel his worry as it seeped through the line and strangled me. It felt good, and I smiled.
    A sudden honk behind me snapped me out of the momentary indulgence, and I noticed that the light I’d been sitting at had turned green. Asshole behind me honked again, and I very slowly pushed the gas.
    Another annoyed honk sounded, and this time I lowered the window down and flicked him off. This was Miami, and honking was for pussies. We drove aggressively; you had a problem…drive around me.
    “…didn’t like waking up alone. Bed was cold.” Huh? I’d been so lost in glaring down the idiot behind me in the tiny red Miata that I missed what Jaime was saying.
    “I’m sorry, Jaime, can you—”
    “I know.” He knew what? This was not the time to confuse me or play games. “You love him.” And the hurt in his voice broke me. A part of me felt horrid for hurting him over and over again. It’d never been my intention to—to let things go so far, but I was a selfish bitch. At a time when I needed help and guidance, he’d always been there.
    On my side without ever asking for anything in return.
    “Are you hungry?” I asked, trying to change the heavy subject. “I’m close to the diner five minutes from the house; want me to pick something up?”
    “I could eat.”  Fuck, I knew that tone. If there was one thing we were, it wa s compatible in bed, and he was relentless at points. What he couldn’t get from me emotionally, he took from my always-willing body. My body knew his and enjoyed what he could do, but today wasn’t the day for that, and the twinge in my thighs as I wiggled in my seat confirmed it.
    While the thought of his hips pounding into me sounded like heaven, I was still in pain. Not even the sudden dampness in my panties could change my mind. Sad.

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