Saving My Submission BN

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Book: Saving My Submission BN by Jenna Jacob Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Jacob
Tags: Romance, BDSM, submission, Erotic Romance, BDSM Erotic Romance, dominance
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     jerked my head toward the stranger. Startled, I found myself gazing into the
     same striking green eyes from the article about the tragedy that befell Joshua
     Lars. No longer haunted with pain, the artist’s eyes held something far
     scarier… awareness.

    Joshua Lars—the Joshua Lars—stared at me like a hungry wolf evaluating a lone rabbit miles from
     the safety of its burrow.
    “Oh!” I gasped, extending my hand to him. “Mr. Lars,
     it’s an honor.”
    A modest smile crawled across his lips and my heart
     tripped over itself as it skittered in my chest. “Please, call me Joshua. And
     trust me, Mellie, the pleasure is all mine.”
    He knew my name? No doubt he spied my surprise, as a warm chuckle rolled from the back of his
     throat, sending a streak of arousal igniting within me.
    “Abbas has quite a penchant for my work. I made it a
     point to find out about the woman he’d sent on his behalf.”
    “Oh.” I nodded, stunned that
     Joshua would bother with such mundane details.
    “You never answered my question, Mellie,” he reminded
    Joshua stepped close into my personal space. I glanced
     back at the alluring woman, trying to ignore the decadent heat emanating from
     his long, lean body. Quickly averting my gaze—for fear the sub statue might
     pull me beneath her spell again—only to be snared by Joshua’s intense
    “Actually, I’m a bit embarrassed by my reaction to the
     piece. I was brought to tears by the sheer beauty and detail of your work,” I
    “I see.” His expression suddenly turned somber. “My mistake. I thought perhaps she’d swayed you on some
     other level.”
    “Oh? What level is that?” I feigned confusion.
    “It’s not important,” he replied with a wave of his
     hand. “Listen, I was just on my way outside to get some air and I’d like some
     company. Are you up for that?”
    I swallowed tightly. “Yes. Thank you, I’d be honored.”
     I smiled, then tucked my purse beneath my arm,
     gripping my champagne glass to keep it from shaking.
    “Come.” He smiled.
    His word sounded like a command and I hesitated as he
     extended his elbow. He arched an inquisitive brow as I forced my hand to grasp
     the crook of his arm. His muscles felt strong and sturdy, and I wondered how
     his flesh would feel, naked with me beneath him.
    Joshua led me through the gallery and out the back
     door. Without a word, we walked down a stone pathway surrounded by fragrant
     rose bushes that did little to soothe my frazzled nerves. Though the gentle
     breeze from the night air was a welcome change from the bustling, stuffy gallery
     teeming with prospective buyers, it too didn’t help calm me. Nervous energy
     zipped through me with a level of anxiety so foreign I didn’t know how to sort
     or suppress it.
    Seated on a padded bench beneath the stars, I glanced
     at the foliage surrounding the courtyard, slowly sipping my champagne. I could
     feel Joshua’s intense, hot gaze piercing through me, producing awkward and
     unsure emotions that were so out of character for me that I tipped back the
     glass and drained the contents in one big gulp. Placing the flute down, I
     glanced over at him. He smiled, and I all but melted.
    “It’s a beautiful night,” I blurted out nervously.
     “The roses… they smell so sweet.”
    “Yes,” he murmured, staring at me for a disturbingly
     long time.
    Darting my gaze away from him, I felt awkwardly unsure
     and perplexed.
    Get a grip. What the
     hell is wrong with you? You act like you’re never talked to a damn man before.
     Yeah, yeah, it’s Joshua Lars, big deal. Grow a set and snap out of it.
    Gathering up my courage while trying to ignore the
     fact that I was sitting next to one of the most talented artists of the
     twenty-first century, I gathered my courage and turned to face him. It was time
     to nip this shit in the bud.
    “Why are you staring at me?”
    “I’m memorizing every

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