Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: Romance
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had plastered itself to her pale cheeks. She had clung to him in desperation as he’d carried her to his cabin. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact she needed him that had allowed him to sleep without dreaming, or if it was simply her gentle presence and the scent of her hair on his pillow that had kept the nightmares at bay. Either way, it meant he was healing, and she was somehow part of that process.
    Even if she didn’t need him, he was coming to realize that he needed her. And that thought put a whole new set of knots tightening around his insides. He didn’t do need . He had buddies sure, lots of them, but his real friends could be counted on one hand. He had lovers, but he didn’t do love either. He liked his life simple, uncomplicated, and unattached. Alone, lonely, empty, some part of his brain added, and he sighed and scrubbed a hand over his unshaven jaw. “Great, one day of fantastic sex and I start turning into an angst-filled idiot. Next thing you know I’ll be spouting poetry.” He moved the eggs off the burner and slammed the frying pan down on the counter harder than he’d intended.
    “What did the pan do to deserve such treatment?” Her voice was rich with laughter, and he spun around, spotting her leaning against the wall, watching him with an amused expression.
    Part of him was stunned she’d managed to sneak up on him, while other parts were busy blaming her for distracting him in the first place. Deciding he had done more than enough thinking for the time being, he crossed the small kitchen and picked her up. He carried her over to the small kitchen table that was wedged into one corner of the cabin and deposited her into one of the old wooden chairs, ignoring her protests.
    “No laughing at the man cooking you breakfast, that’s a rule,” he informed her, glad to see the sparkle back in her eyes. “And might I say, my shirt has never looked that good on me.”
    “Oh, I bet it does.” She leaned back enough to be able to meet his gaze, her jaw set in a stubborn line. “I can walk you know. Not quickly, but I am not an invalid.”
    “Maybe I like carrying you,” he muttered and turned back to finish making breakfast.
    “Well in that case, you’re welcome to carry me wherever you want, just so long as we’re clear on why.”
    He couldn’t help glancing back to shoot her a grin as he waved the spatula at her. “Keep up the sass Miss No-knickers, and I’ll be using this to paddle your cute ass later on.”
    Her cheeks went bright red, and he couldn’t help but notice the interest that flared ever so briefly in her eyes. Well, well, Michelle, who would have guessed? He made a mental note to explore that particular avenue another time and went back to organizing their meal. “Coffee or juice?”
    “I’ll have coffee please. Straight up black is fine, and thank you again for making breakfast, this all smells delicious.”
    “My pleasure.” He loaded up two plates and carried them over, setting one down in front of her as she goggled at the heap of food.
    “Good grief. That’s enough to feed a small army. I really can’t eat that much.”
    “Your body needs the food to heal. Gotta feed the machine, marine.” He grinned her. “So eat up and don’t make me go all drill-instructor on you. Boot camp was a long time ago, but it really left an impression.” He settled into the other chair and started eating, his eyes on her fork as she bit into the first mouthful. The moan of approval she made a second later nearly made him black out as most of the blood in his body flowed to his cock.
    “Oh god, this is good.”
    He managed to swallow without choking on the eggs, grateful he was wearing a loose pair of track pants. “Glad you’re enjoying it. I like cooking. Don’t often have someone to critique it for me.”
    She speared a bite of bacon and let it slide past her lips with a soft sigh. “It’s wonderful.”
    How the hell is she making eating breakfast sexy? He swore she

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