Savage Deception (Liberty's Ladies)

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Book: Savage Deception (Liberty's Ladies) by Lynette Vinet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynette Vinet
Tags: Romance
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    Licking her lips, she observed him with all seriousness. “Captain, you are a kind man and a most handsome one, but I suggest you’d do well to look elsewhere for warmth. I have none left to give.”
    “I understand that you’ve been a widow for a short while, but I know you’re not cold. Your feelings are buried under layers of ice. If only you’d give me the chance to prove how much I care for you.” He started to pull her into his arms, but Diana pushed him away and was more than a bit surprised when he didn’t protest.
    “Stop it, sir. I have nothing left to give!” She meant that with her whole heart. Kingsley had robbed her of her jewels and her feelings. “I dislike being pawed.”
    He considered her for a long moment. “I think it will take the right man to change your mind about that, and I’d like to be that man. However, I’m under orders not to touch you.”
    “I … don’t understand.”
    “Neither do I, but that was part of my orders upon arriving here. Rawdon clearly expressed to me that you and your father-in-law, your slaves, and your household goods, were not to be molested or disturbed in any way. Believe me when I tell you that if not for that order, I’d have found a way to bring you to my bed.” Farnsworth grinned at her. “Now tell me that you have no guardian angel.” Bowing deeply, he left the kitchen, leaving her a bit shaken by his actions and his words. A guardian angel. What a ridiculous notion.
    Still, it very nearly explained why Briarhaven and not Sinclair House, which was a more strategic location because of its nearness to the Atlantic, had been singled out as a headquarters. And Rawdon’s letter about Anne — well, that was more than mind-boggling. Fear clutched at Diana to think that her sister had to be so desperately ill that perhaps David couldn’t care for Anne and their three children. But even so, would Rawdon send for her out of the goodness of his heart, simply to please a known rebel like David Richmond?
    None of it made any sense. Especially not Farnsworth’s remarks that she and everyone at Briarhaven not be molested. Who would have dared to give such absurd orders? Before now the British had never cared who they hurt or what houses they looted and burned. Farnsworth must be mistaken, she decided, yet she welcomed such a mistake.
    However, she couldn’t stand here all day mulling over all of this, not when Anne needed her. She had to pack, but first she must tell Harlan of her plans and then wait until after midnight. Then the house would be quiet and the officers asleep. She’d be able to sneak into the underground tunnel and tell her informant about the supply wagon that was due to come through on the morrow. She smiled to realize how glad the Swamp Fox would be of such news.
    ~ ~ ~
    “All clear, Miss Diana. I don’t see a soul.” Hattie turned from the doorway and grasped Diana’s hand. “You be careful, child.”
    “I will,” Diana promised and smiled encouragingly at Hattie as she’d done on many previous occasions. She left her room, clad in a black shirt and breeches that had belonged to Kingsley, Hattie having cut down the garments to fit Diana’s petite frame. To protect herself from the bitter chill, Diana had thrown on an ebony colored cloak and hidden her dark tresses beneath the hood.
    Nearing Farnsworth’s room, Diana stopped and listened, but hearing only the man’s snores she made her way to the back stairway. She took a lighted candle from the wall sconce and continued down the stairs, but it seemed that each of her booted footfalls on the wooden steps matched the beating of her heart. Every familiar creak sounded a thousand times louder to her own ears, and at any minute she expected Farnsworth or one of his men to appear behind her and drag her back. But no hands reached out to clutch her. It was only when she’d tugged open the door that led to the wine cellar and had firmly closed it behind her that

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