cook for you. And we can talk after.”
    “I accept.”
    “Count me in,” Gear announced, strolling past us, cleats crunching on the gravel. She looked especially militant in her uniform. “I’d kill for Mexican food.”
    Katie blinked a few times. “Samantha, will you be joining us?”
    “I live there now. Chase makes me. Did you notice how good his butt looks in his football uniform?”
    “Kicker,” I said. “Shut up. Or you’ll be homeless again.”
    We were interrupted by a stranger. Some guy was coming our way, and laughing. Even I could tell he might be the most handsome man alive. He had longish blond hair combed back, a strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, piercing blue eyes, curvy lips, the whole thing. “There she is! There’s my girl.” He had an accent; he pronounced it me gull .
    Katie gasped softly. I might have too. He was a beautiful human being.
    Samantha groaned. “What are you doing here?” she demanded.
    “What? You’re not happy to see me?” the man grinned. He had dimples too. I wanted to hate him but he was too attractive. He wore jeans, cowboy boots, and a leather jacket. “I flew all the way from Down Under to find you.”
    “Your accent,” Katie said. “It’s Australian.”
    “Right you are, miss. Crikey, what a beauty you are.”
    “Go back,” Samantha said, shoving her pointer finger into his chest. “Go back immediately.”
    He ignored the finger and wrapped her up in a hug. Samantha resisted, to no avail. “No way,” he smiled. “You’re even prettier than I remember.” Rememba!
    “Shut. Up,” she growled.
    “Besides,” the guy continued. “Carter’d be cranky if I did.”
    “Carter?” I asked. The man noticed me for the first time, and nodded. “You know Carter? The Carter? Grumpy old man Carter?”
    “I do,” he said, and stuck out his hand. “I’m Mitch. Good onya!”
    “I’m Chase,” I said, shoving my hand into his. Another Infected!! “Wow, it’s…wow, this is…It’s great to meet you.”
    “Chase?” he laughed. “ The Chase? Holy doley! This a real honor,” he said, pronouncing it reel onna . “Finally get to meet the infamous Ou-”
    Samantha threw her elbow hard into his stomach and said in a low voice, “Listen, Croc, go back to Australia. Right now. No one here is infamous.”
    “Ow, woman,” he smiled, rubbing his side. “That hurt.”
    Katie asked, “How do you two know each other?”
    “Samantha here is my fiancé!” Mitch/Croc grinned.
    “ What ?”
    “ No I am not,” she bit off the words. “I said No , Croc. Twice.” Football players trudging past were giving us curious looks.
    “You said No ??” Katie appeared unable to comprehend this. “Why…how…why?”
    “Besides, I’m still in high school.” Samantha spoke through clenched teeth. “Remember?”
    Mitch said, “Of course I remember. I am too! I just enrolled here.”
    “Oh no,” Samantha said. She looked unsteady on her feet. “Croc. Please no. Tell me you didn’t.”
    “Ah yes, love. I’m about to be a senior!”
    Katie protested, “No way. There is no way you’re in high school. You’re at least twenty-five.”
    I couldn’t believe it. Another Infected! And he was nice!? Weren’t all Infected supposed to be jerks?
    “My birth certificate says I’m eighteen,” Mitch said proudly. “I can show it to you; just got it in the mail. The receptionist couldn’t believe it either. Suppose I just have one of those faces. And YOU!” he grinned and grabbed me by both ears. “You beautiful man, I’m glad to meet you.”
    “Not as glad as I am,” I said. “We need the help.”
    “Help?” Katie asked. “With what? The football team?”
    “The football team?” Mitch asked. He stepped back and looked Samantha and I up and down, inspecting our uniforms. “You two play American football.”
    “Croc,” Samantha growled, “No.”
    “I’ll play too! Sign me up.”
    “No no no!”
    “Samantha girl,” he smiled, and he brushed

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