Sally’s Wedding: Book 3 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

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Book: Sally’s Wedding: Book 3 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series by A. J. Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Temple
tell me your having second thoughts already!” He grinned happily at her.
    She snuggled up close to him, squeezing his arm.
    “You’re not getting away th at easily m y Husband! No, it’s just that I thought I saw someone that I vaguely recognised.”
    “One of the wedding guests?”
    “No, just a woman in the hotel reception area.”
    “Sally could I see you for a minute” Kiera took her by the arm, and led her over to her ‘date’ for the evening. More pictures were taken, as the guests herded into the dining room.
    Sally soon forgot about the mysterious stranger, as the demand for her to be everywhere at once took over.
    It was while she was enjoying the meal, that an unpleasant feeling seemed to grow at the back of her mind; a picture of the woman she had at the reception desk just would not leave her. She turned ashen faced to look at Robert.
    “It’s her!”
    Robert was immediately concerned at her tone, and new that it was not good news.
    “ Honey, what are you talking about ?”
    “The woman I saw in reception today – I think it was my mother!”
    He thought carefully for a moment, then spoke gently.
    “Ok, so what do you want to do about it? Will I send someone to look for her perhaps?”
    “Absolutely not! It may not have even been her; I haven’t seen her since I was a kid after all – she did abandon me remember!”
    Robert took her hand in his. “Honey whatever you want, then that is what I will do. But I’m afraid only you can make this sort of decision.”
    “Ok, decision made!” She said with finality. “I’m not going to let her ruin our special day – the show goes on!” She smiled happily.
    “If it was her, then no doubt she will turn up later and we can sort it out then; right now though – we’ve a wedding to enjoy my husband!”
    The meal and the ceilidh afterwards , went without any further sign of the mysterious woman . Sally herself was far too busy being thrown around the dance-floor to even think of her.
    “Phew, C eilidh’s are exhausting!” She said, hanging on to Roberts arm as they made their way to the honeymoon suite at the hotel. As is traditional at a Scottish wedding they left before the party had finished, too much wolf whistles and cat-calls. Robert got a lot of very vocal advice regarding the nuptials, as Sally stood red-faced in mortification.
    She glanced sideways at Robert, who was very unsteady on his feet as they entered the room – which was hardly surprising considering the amount of lethal scotch single malt he had consumed.
    “Hey buster; are you drunk?”
    “ Whaaat …me? Noo I’m just a lit tle giddy’s all..” He flopped down on the edge of the sumptuous bed.
    “Ok dearest, I’m just going to get changed into something a bit more comfortable – don’t you fall asleep on me now!”
    “Never!” He replied vehemently.
    Sally had changed from her wedding dress earlier, and now wore a much more casual number. She quickly stripped , showered and put on the special Basque and suspenders she had purchased on her trip to Edinburgh. It was a wild deep red and cream number – guaranteed to enflame any red-blooded male the shop assistant had assured her. Her full firm breasts and slim waist guaranteed that Robert would be no exception, she was sure.
    Slipping over the flimsiest of negligées, she admired herself in the mirror, and sprayed herself with liberal doses of her favourite perfume , ‘Paris’ by Estee Lauder. Finally she stepped outside to present herself to her new husband – who was fast asleep and snoring like a rhinoceros on the bed!
    “Oh Robert!” She moved across to him and gave him a big shake; then another, to no avail – he was totally unconscious.
    “Robert, I don’t believe you; I really don’t!” She stamped her feet in frustration like a spoiled child; then suddenly found herself laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.
    “I wonder how many brides have experienced this – lots I would suspect!”

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