Royal Opposites
telling her. Not that she wasn’t having difficulty believing she was sitting here eating pancakes and discussing world events with a person who had a hand in them.
    “If people are determined enough, they’ll find a way to get what they want regardless.”
    Tom nodded. “Yes, however, they will not use Rafferstonia as a weapon in that arsenal.”

    “So you’ll continue to fly below the radar so no one understands that the weapon even exists.”
    “Precisely.” He gestured to her empty plate. “Are you ready to get a jump on today? I believe we have quite a lot to accomplish.”

Chapter Seven
    Tom wasn’t sure if he should be happy with his admiration at her astute insights into the politics of royalty or dismayed. It was just one more thing they had in common that they shouldn’t because it would be much more difficult for them to part once this ordeal was over. Or perhaps he should offer her a position of advisor on his staff. She seemed to get where he was coming from with very little explanation from him. That could be a quite useful skill. Except for the fact he was having trouble holding on to his train of thought while Joan dabbed at her mouth with a napkin then gave him a smile. “I suppose we should get going.”
    It took him a moment to understand what she was talking about. He had to be honest with himself. He couldn’t take her back to Rafferstonia with him. She’d be too much temptation for him to disrespect his marriage bed and he was determined he wasn’t about to become his father.
    “Right.” He stood and offered her a hand up. She took it and he tried to ignore the little tingle that traveled up his arm. This wasn’t good. He needed to focus. “We’ll use the business center downstairs to make the copy then head to the FBI offices.”
    She stared at him for a long time. It was almost like she expected him to disappear at any moment, which was absurd.
    “Yes, let’s go.” She gathered up her bulky canvas bag then headed to the door. He paused to appreciate the view of her delectable bottom under the dress she’d worn yesterday. He frowned.
    “Joan?” She faced him, a questioning look in her eyes.
    “Didn’t you order a new outfit from downstairs?”
    She frowned down at her dress. “No. Was I supposed to?”
    “We can stop somewhere and pick you up something else to wear.”

    The frown remained on her face. This time, it was directed at him. “What’s wrong with what I have on?”
    “You wore it yesterday.”
    “Yes. And I washed it last night. What’s the big deal?”
    Tom shrugged. If she wasn’t concerned, then he was determined not to be. Though he couldn’t for the life of imagine wearing the same clothes for two days in a row. So much for them being on the same page. “No big deal. I want you to be comfortable.” He smiled and vowed to take her shopping the moment they finished with the FBI.
    She didn’t say anything. She didn’t smile back. Just stood and gave him the eye until he felt lower than dirt for suggesting she was anything but perfect in yesterday’s clothing. At last, she opened the door and strode into the hallway without waiting for him. He had to jog to catch up. What was she mad at him for? It was obvious she was.
    She stabbed at the button for the elevator when he caught up to her. The ride to the lobby felt interminable since he kept trying to engage her in conversation but she’d only give him a tight smile or a few syllables in answer. If he was lucky anyway. When the doors opened on the ground floor, he gave up. He figured she’d get over whatever it was. He looked around the lobby trying to guess the best direction to head in to find the business center.
    Joan watched him for a few moments then shook her head.
    She snagged a passing bellman.
    “Excuse me. We’re looking for the business center.”
    The man gave her a courteous smile. “It’s on the Mezzanine.
    Get off the elevator and turn right. You’ll run into it.”

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