Ronin (The Pike Chronicles Book 3)
don’t see how any of this is our concern,” said the aging Franz Stumpf, CEO of Amboss Corporation. He had an impatient look about him. One that shouted, ‘Don’t waste my time.”
    “How can you say that?” said Sallas, incredulous at Stumpf’s comment. “The Kemmar Empire has ruthlessly annexed Otan space. Soon they will be threatening human space.”
    “There is no guarantee of that, Mr. Sallas,” said Stumpf, taking on the air of a parent lecturing a child. “The Kemmar and the Otan have been neighbors for centuries without a problem. Obviously the Otan did something to provoke this response from the Kemmar.”
    “Provoke this response? We are receiving reports of orbital bombardment. They’re targeting civilian centers. Murdering millions. They’re throwing survivors into the Kemmar slave trade. This is not a response, this is an extermination.”
    “I am sure these reports are exaggerated. Probably Otan propaganda to generate sympathy for their cause.”
    Sallas did his best to keep his mouth from hanging open in disbelief. “The reports are from reliable sources. This is real, and we’re next. The colonies need to stand together. If we present a united show of force, the Kemmar will think twice about attacking us.”
    Stumpf laughed. “A united show of force? Are you joking?”
    “No, Sir, I am deadly serious. If each colony sends a contingent to the border, we would have some hope of mounting a defense against the coming attack. We may even discourage it altogether.”
    “Mr. Sallas, I realize you are young and new to your position, so I’m going to attribute your proposal to inexperience. By amassing a large force on our border we will be provoking the Kemmar. That would make their invasion a certainty.”
    Pompous asshole , thought Sallas. “I disagree. If the Kemmar see us as separate entities they will pick off our planets one by one. The Kemmar are an aggressive, expansionist species. The Otan has long acted as a natural buffer between us and the Kemmar. With that buffer gone there is nothing stopping them from annexing each of our systems.”
    “Mr. Sallas, what we need right now is diplomacy. The Kemmar Empire can be a tremendous trading partner. This is an opportunity to gain access to their markets. The last thing we should do is behave in a hostile fashion. Once the Kemmar understand our value, they will have no desire to invade.”
    “There is more at stake here than just profits,” said Sallas dismissively.
    “Let’s not turn this into an ideological debate, Mr. Sallas. Just because New Byzantium is no longer under corporate rule does not mean that profits matter any less. New Byzantium is closest to the border and stands to benefit the most from any potential trade agreement. Think of your populace.”
    “You mistake me, Sir. I am not against profit. I am against invasion by alien slavers. The Kemmar are not a peaceful species. They will attack.”
    “That is where you are mistaken. The Kemmar engage in peaceful trade with many civilizations. Why wouldn’t they do the same with us? Besides, with the exception of your planet, the rest of the colonies are commercial enterprises, not nations to be invaded.”
    Cursed man , thought Sallas. “If the Kemmar invade and New Byzantium falls, Amboss will be next.”
    “Mr. Sallas, I’m afraid you see threats where none exist. Nonetheless, I can assure you that Amboss Corporation will not be sending any forces to your border. I don’t expect any of the other corporations will do so either. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a very busy day ahead of me.”
    Stumpf ended the transmission leaving Sallas staring at a blank screen. He initiated another communication, this time with General Juneau. A hawkish face appeared on the screen. Dark, menacing eyes stared back at him.
    “I’m sorry, General. Amboss refused to send help to our border.”
    “That is unfortunate,” said Juneau.
    “Has there been any new developments?”

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