Romantic Acquisition

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Book: Romantic Acquisition by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
    Kate considered that for a moment.  “I guess so .  It would depend on what you consider a director versus a manager.”
    “I’d categorize your leadership in your department as more of a directorship than a manager.   From what I’ve seen so far, you seem to have an idea and ask the whole team to manage towards that goal.  A manager only takes direction from a supervisor, ensuring that the tasks are accomplished but with no vision behind the orders.”
    Kate thought about what he said and felt as if he’d just given her one of the biggest compliments.  Apparently, he liked the way she managed her team and her department.  She considered that high praise, coming from someone like him.  “Thanks ,” was all she could say, too flattered and embarrassed by his compliment. 
    “I just call them as I see them,” he said, taking another step towards her.  “Want to get out of here?  This seems like a pretty boring party.”
    “The party is supposed to be for your team to get to know the Jamison executives,” she explained.  Kate glanced at the rest of the guests, noting that it was mainly Jamison executives still hanging out.  Even their wives had left.  “I’m supposed to be acting as David’s hostess.”
    He put a hand on the small of her back and guided her towards the door.  “Let David take a little responsibility for himself.  You come out with me.  I’ll be you haven’t eaten anything tonight have you?”
    Kate shook her head.  “No, but I should really tell David that I’m leaving.”
    He guided her towards the elevators quickly.  “He knows,” Carlo said and lifted his hand to wave to the man.  David raised his drink in response, then turned back towards the other men surrounding him.
    “Do you have a preference for dinner?” he asked as they entered the elevator.
    The small space closed in around them as Carlo moved closer to her.  He turned towards her, cornering her in the elevator as he looked down at her, his dark eyes watching her face. 
    “No,” she whispered. 
    “It’s past ten o’clock .  If I promise to be a gentleman, would you come to my place?”
    “I thought you didn’t cook.”
    “I have a maid that stores something in the refrigerator so all I need to do is re-heat .”
    Kate shook her head.  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
    “I think it would be a very good idea, ” he contradicted.
    “No.  How about something…”
    “Yes.  Safer,” she agreed. 
    “Terrified,” she agreed, nodding her head. 
    Carlo took a step closer to her, blocking the light from the elevator ceiling.  “Why don’t you just come to my place, we can make love and get over your concerns now?”
    “No, Carlo.  We can’t do that,” she said and stepped back.  She didn’t dare touch him, knowing how that had affected her the last time. 
    He wouldn’t let her retreat.  He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.  “Why not?”
    “I can’t do it ,” she said, but her voice was breathless.  The lower half of her body was pressed intimately against his and she could feel his muscles, his legs and she liked the feeling.
    “Why not?”
    Kate couldn’t explain.  “It’s difficult.”
    The elevator doors opened and she pushed past him and stepped out into the air quickly, needing to put some space between them so she could think. 
    He wouldn’t let her go.  He grabbed her hand to stop her from running away from him.  “Come out to dinner with me.  I promise to be a gentleman.”
    She tried to pull her hand free but he held it gently captive in his own hand.  “Carlo, I think it would be better if we stay friends.”  
    She stopped at her car and he put a hand on either side of her, boxing her in.  “Who says we can’t be lovers as well as friends?”
    “It doesn’t

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