Rock Me Gently

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Book: Rock Me Gently by HK Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: HK Carlton
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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“you could give me a call in say, oh, I don’t know, January? Is that when this semester is over?”
    “January!” His voice seemed to carry out over the water and echo.
    “Yes, January. When you are no longer Jill’s teacher,” she continued to tease him. “Well, aren’t you the one that said it was school policy? No fraternizing with a parent of a current student?” She tried to maintain a straight face.
    “Well, I did but I didn’t mean you, I was talking about the groupies…er, I mean the moms at the coffee shop.”
    “I can’t see that the school would differentiate. I am a mom. And Jill is in your class until the end of January. Correct?”
    Holding in the giggle that threatened to erupt from her chest almost killed her. He looked absolutely stricken.
    “Don’t you think we should wait?”
    Exhaling heavily he then responded, “Well, the teacher part of me somewhat thinks it’s probably the right thing to do, but the man part of me, well, let’s just say, the man part is extremely impatient,” he said diplomatically.
    And that just put everything into perspective for her. She didn’t want to just jump into something. She was gun-shy and scared. Jason Westlake could become very important to her very quickly. And what did she know about him? Absolutely nothing about his past. What if he was a player? What if he just took her to bed then took off. Would that be so bad? No, she wasn’t like that. She couldn’t just sleep with him. Could she? Would she be able to do that and not get personally involved? Use him for what he so freely wanted to give and not get trampled on when he decided to move on? Or even if he didn’t want to move on, what if she didn’t want a permanent relationship again? She’d never really been on her own, outside of a relationship. She’d started going out with Thad at fifteen and never really dated anyone else. Maybe she should try dating, lots of different guys, and see what was out there.
    “Lainey, you’re leaving me hanging again. What are you thinking so hard about?”
    “A lot of things.”
    “Well, maybe that’s your problem. You think too much,” he blurted then softened. “January! January? It’s more like February. Second semester doesn’t actually begin until February.” And by then he wouldn’t have a lot of time, going through his first real set of exams. Marking then posting scores for one hundred and twelve students.
    “Can you wait that long?” she asked, looking out over the water. “I mean will you wait around for me? Or will you call the waitress in the meantime?”
    He sighed. He wasn’t the most patient man and he didn’t know where this thing with Lainey was going. But he had never felt this way about someone so quickly. There were many women he wanted to fuck on sight, sure, and Lainey was one of them. And back in the day, he had. But this was different. She was different. The last thing he wanted to do was fuck this up or scare her away, or, worse, hurt her more than she already was. But he had changed too. He felt like he was finally growing up. And miracle upon miracles, it was time.
    He reached out and slowly pressed his palm to hers, then wove his fingers through hers, stacking their joined hands onto his knee.
    “I’m not going to call the waitress.”
    “And what if you waste your time waiting and I’m never ready?” she asked softly.
    “You’re ready now, Lainey.” He turned slightly so that he could watch her. “Maybe you’re not ready up here,” he tapped her temple with his free index finger, “but I can see the pulse quicken in your neck when I’m close to you.” His eyes lingered just above her collarbone as her blood beat faster for him. “I can see the fear in your eyes. But I can see beyond that, and you want to be close to me. I can see by the set of your lips that you want me to kiss you.”
    Her lips parted at his words and the sensual haze he was creating

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