Rock Into Me

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Book: Rock Into Me by Susan Arden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Arden
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night. I know we could get pretty extreme, so tell me a word that means, no more .”
    “Are you talking about a safe word? I think we’ve all heard about Fifty Shades .”
    “I’m not joking. It’s important, and this isn’t play-acting.”
    Her gaze lifted as though she were looking upward, and then she smiled mischievously. “Falsetto.”
    “As in the operatic term.”
    “As in singing out of range.” She cocked her chin, and he closed the distance between them.
    “If you were a man,” he said. “Baby, clearly we both know the truth. One-hundred percent woman rocks your soul.”
    Alana stepped backward, a magnetic move drawing him closer. “You know my range is on the lower scale. You said I could pick.”
    He raised his hands. “Fine. Falsetto. Say that one word and all things stop. No questions.”
    “Won’t we be tired tomorrow?”
    “I think you’re worth it. You’d have to decide about the worth for you.”
    “As long as you don’t bend this rule tomorrow. Then absolutely, I want you between my legs, Jonathan.”
    He pulled her along the entrance, over the marble floors, past the living room, and into the bedroom. “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”
    “Nothing. I’m fine.” She put her purse on the chair and unzipped one of her boots. “Are you going to get undressed?”
    “I was too consumed with watching you.” He began to unbutton his shirt, his cock getting hard again as though he’d not gotten laid in a year. “Excuse me,” he said.
    “Leaving so soon?”
    “Not likely. Condom pit stop.”
    “Oh, I see.” Stretching over her leg, she seductively unzipped her other boot, teasing him with a show of cleavage from the front of her dress.
    Three syllables from her lips, and his pulse kicked up. “You sure you don’t want a drink or something?” he asked, forcing himself to walk toward the bathroom in lieu of picking her up from the chair and flinging her onto the bed.
    “Tomorrow, some coffee. Nothing before bed.”
    “I rarely come here, but the place is fully stocked. Make yourself at home.” He moved from the doorway and began opening and closing drawers and cabinets under the sink, looking for the box of condoms he’d arranged to be on hand for his clients. His staff had stocked the penthouse with every convenience imaginable. Impossible to believe the last client who’d stayed here had used them all.
    Not a condom in sight. This would be the first time this problem existed. In this day and age, medical tests weren’t sexy and weren’t negotiable. He returned to the linen closet, considering all the things they could do that didn’t involve penetration. An expedition, if he lived to see tomorrow, would be similar to climbing Mount Everest. The urge to fuck Alana again bordered on jonesing.
    Her sexy mouth would keep him satisfied, as he considered the possibilities of taking her to the edge. In that instant, he looked up and spotted the box of condoms. “Shit,” he swore, as if he’d found some lost relic.
    Coming out of the bathroom, he faltered. The dress she’d been wearing floated to the floor and she stood up from the chair. Naked.
    “You’re still wearing clothes,” she said, heading over to the bed.
    “Not for long.” He flung the box onto the nightstand and ripped open his shirt, buttons flying out in front of him. He kicked off his shoes and unzipped his pants, letting them drop around his ankles. Stepping free of them, he stripped off his boxers with his heartbeat hammering in his chest. Swiftly, he folded back the down comforter, and one last thing remained.
    He tackled Alana to the mattress in what had to be a record in getting undressed and into bed. She laughed softly against his neck. Her sizzling mouth sucked at a point over his throat, her tongue teasing his skin, and he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her naked body. Pleasure consumed him, torched by his compulsion to get inside her.
    “I want to see myself tightly fitted into

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