Rock Hard: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance

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Book: Rock Hard: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance by Arielle Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arielle Archer
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interesting when I met him in the diner and I'd thought how nice it would be to go on a date with him. Maybe get up close and personal with him.
    I just never realized that getting up close and personal would involve getting on stage in front of an arena full of screaming women who’d love to take my place. Well, eat your heart out ladies, because this was the Mia show right now. I reached up, my fingers brushed against his and it was as though there was electric magic dancing between our fingertips. Then he reached out to clasp my hand and I was climbing up.
    It's odd the sort of things you notice in a moment like that. I noticed how smooth the catwalk was under my feet and I wondered how they were able to move on the thing. The arena erupted around me. I saw jealous faces in the crowd. I saw ecstatic faces in the crowd as women looked up at me with pure joy. No doubt projecting themselves into my impossible dream moment.
    I glanced over my shoulder to Kayla who had neither of those expressions on her face. She was just standing there with her eyes open wide and her mouth hanging open. Staring up at me in disbelief as I looked to Grant. Yeah, there was definitely going to be no explaining away this one. I was going to have to come clean. She was going to hate me for it, but I didn't care. Because all I could concentrate on was Grant.
    Handsome Grant. Gorgeous Grant with just the hint of stubble on his strong jaw line. With his muscled body that looked absolutely delicious. I wanted to run my hands all over him right here and now, only that definitely wouldn't be appropriate up on stage. I had a feeling he'd be more than happy to let me do that, but at the same time I also had a feeling it would incite a riot.
    That was the last thing I wanted. To have my obituary read that my cause of death was being torn apart by a bunch of rabid fangirls.
    So I just stood there on the stage with my own hand in his, staring at him as he got down on one knee, never missing a beat as he sang looking up at me and staring deep into my eyes. And as I locked eyes with him, deep brown eyes that were so intoxicating, I found myself losing control. I found myself riding a wave of giddiness. A wave of pleasure that was sending a fire burning through my body and a chill running down my spine at the same time.
    My entire body was shivering as I looked down at him with a huge goofy grin that I couldn't control. As he stared up at me with those beautiful eyes I felt weak in the knees. It was as though the only thing keeping me upright was his hand around mine holding me steady.
    In short, it was one of the most magical and romantic fucking moments of my life, made even more so because it was completely unexpected.
    I found myself mouthing the words right along with Grant. How did I even know the words to this song? Oh, right, because you couldn't avoid hearing the damn thing when I was younger. Still, I was surprised the words had imprinted on me to the point that I could still remember them word for word all these years later. I also felt something funny around my eyes. Almost as though they were burning. As though my vision was blurring. I moved a hand up to my cheek and realized a tear was rolling down my face.
    Damn it. Not only was I being serenaded in front of an arena, but I was also about to lose it in a major way in front of an arena. This was all too much for me. It was too overwhelming. It was too much of an incredible experience. An experience I couldn't believe and yet it was happening.
    Who thought when I met a cute guy at the diner behind the venue that I'd be getting serenaded by one of the most famous singers in the world? An international sex symbol!
    Finally song started to wind down and he did something that very nearly set me on fire again. He pulled my hand out and his lips brushed against it. It really was the perfect moment. My body was on fire where his lips made contact. I was imagining his lips brushing against other parts of

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