Road to Passion

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Book: Road to Passion by Piper Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Davenport
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
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then covered the photo again and headed to Booker’s office.
He knocked on Booker’s door and pushed it open when bid.
    Booker grinned. “You saw?”
    “What the fuck’s goin’ on?”
    “Book club.”
    Mack frowned. “Come again?”
    Booker linked his fingers behind
his head and laughed. “Swear to Christ, brother. It’s fuckin’ book club.”
    Mack sat in one of Booker’s
chairs and set the file on his desk. “You’re sayin’ Dani brought together
fuckin’ club women and her ladies and they’re readin’ the same book?”
    “That’s exactly what I’m sayin’.”
    “And this book is...?”
    “I don’t know the name of it;
it’s some kind of romance, but who the fuck cares? Some Fox person wrote it,”
he said. “Dani’s been... ah... how do you say...?”
    “Yeah, got the picture,” Mack cut
    “Anyway, it’s pretty popular
apparently, and my girl’s lovin’ it.” Booker smiled. “Which means, I’m lovin’
    “Stop talking,” Mack demanded.
“Just show me what you got on the Kozlovs.”
    Booker chuckled again and slid a
file toward him.
    Mack read everything over and
scowled. “Shit. It’s worse than we thought.”
    “Yeah,” Booker said. “It is.”
    Mack realized his day had just
been shot to hell and so had his plans for seeing Darien later. He shook his
head and he and Booker got down to business.
    * * *
    Thursday after
work, I walked into my apartment just as my phone rang. It was Mack. “Hey,
    “Hey. You wanna grab dinner?”
    “Yeah, that sounds great.” I was
actually exhausted, but I hadn’t seen him all week and I missed him like crazy.
    “Okay, see you in a few.” He hung
up and I did a quick freshen up and changed into something cuter than my
scrubs. I also slapped on a little makeup to try to hide the bags under my
eyes. Mack arrived twenty minutes later and I opened the door to the best kiss
I’d had since last time I saw him.
    “God, I missed you,” he said
between kisses.
    I smiled against his lips. “Me
too. I thought you had stuff to do tonight.”
    “Case got pushed back, so I’m
taking tonight off to take my girl out.”
    “ And me?” He gave my
bottom a smack and I grinned. “I like that plan.”
    “Serratto good?” he asked.
    “Yes!” I exclaimed. “Their happy
hour rocks.”
    “I know. Ready?”
    “I’ll just grab my purse.” I
locked up and took his hand, heading down to the car.
    The restaurant was located in the
Pearl and it was packed. Lucky for us, Mack had connections in town and we were
shown to a table right away. We ordered and our server brought us drinks while
we waited for our food.
    “How’s your week been?” I asked.
    “Shitty.” He took a sip of his
beer and frowned.
    “I’m sorry.” I squeezed his hand.
“I hate that you can’t talk to me about it.”
    “Me too, babe.” He smiled. “What
about you?”
    “Oh, me? Well, I also had a
shitty week, but I got home tonight to find out that my book is number one on
    I nodded, trying not to squee in
excitement. “Yes. I hope this means traction for more royalties. I’d like to
justify doing this for a living... quit the dirty day job.”
    “You’ll do it, baby. I have no
    “Says the man who doesn’t even
know the title of my book.”
    “I don’t need to know the title
to know the woman who wrote it is talented and beautiful, right?”
    I giggled. “Even when you’re
admitting you won’t read it, you still have a way of making me feel special.”
    He smiled. “You are special,
honey, but no, I’m not readin’ some romance book, even written by you. Not my
    I shrugged. “Fair enough.”
    “You really okay with it?” he
    “Yes.” I chuckled. “I get it. If
you were some hip-hop singer, I’d bail on concerts... it’s kind of the same
    He laughed. “Even Eminem?”
    “Ohmigod, if you were Eminem,
we’d be off somewhere amazing in a private jet, so that would be

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