Ripped Apart: Quantum Twins – Adventures On Two Worlds

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Book: Ripped Apart: Quantum Twins – Adventures On Two Worlds by Geoffrey Arnold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geoffrey Arnold
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exclusively by the family. On the rare occasions when other people were present, the Statues disappeared into the seventh dimension.
    At the other end of the sofa, Tullia was still happily wearing her flying suit. They were so stylish that youngsters often wore them even when not flying. Hers was a rich, deep purple with flame-like patches of bright violet. Like any flying or body suit, many of the bright patches contained artfully hidden, teethless zips, called szeames.
    Tullia was always very careful only to put in her pockets the tiniest things that she might ever need. There was no way she was going to spoil the look of her suit by having bulging pockets like some boys did.
    ‘With the KeyPoint only a day away, the latest experiments being conducted on Azura are stressing the XzylStroem,’ Mandara said. He nodded to his great nephew who knew that the Academy of Discoverers was becoming increasingly concerned by the successes Azuran scientists were having on practical levels.
    ‘That is dangerous,’ Lellia added, her eyes looking from Tullia to Qwelby. ‘To remind you. A key function of this, the first XzylStroem, is to maintain all other five in balanced harmony, and the link with Azura.’
    ‘Oh do stop that!’ snapped Qwelby at Tullia, who was absent-mindedly playing with her szeames. ‘It’s really irritating.’
    ‘Don’t blame me!’ Tullia snapped back. ‘It’s not my fault you got bird shit all over your flying-suit.’
    ‘It’s not…’
    ‘Enough!’ Mandara said. ‘We have a lot to talk about. Seriously.’ He thoughtsent to the twins to concentrate. The brief flaring in the their energy fields settled, he focussed his attention on them
    ‘In order to discuss what happened yesterday,’ he continued, ‘you will need some background information. Knowledge you will not be taught on your college days, but left for you to discover for yourselves when you are much older. Knowing how much you have asked all of us about yourselves, and that you have searched the Archives, will you tell us what you have learnt about Auriga, and our race’s background. It will save boring repetition.’
    ‘And correcting anything that needs…’ Lellia added, with a smile.
    Tullia glanced at her twin who nodded. No point in them mindmelding as each knew exactly the same as the other. She uncurled her legs, then curled them back underneath her the other way round. She felt a humorous tickle in her mind. It had Qwelby’s signature.
    ‘Are you sitting comfortably?’ Tullia asked, in her best imitation of her favourite Assistant Educationer, thoughtsending her twin a smile. ‘Then I’ll begin.’ She smiled sweetly at the adults. ‘This is with all six of us working together.’
    ‘Each Essence emerged from the primal chaos onto Auriga in the third dimension, a baby bounded by Form and Time, just like on Azura.’
    The room went cold as the adults withdrew behind a Group PrivacyShield to share their shock that the youngsters had been able to discover that. How? It was so securely shielded.
    Looking smug at their obvious consternation, Tullia waited until their auras settled.
    ‘Evolving over increasingly longer periods of time, the Essence moved into successive higher, faster, vibrations of the other dimensions.
    ‘Four. It acquired consciousness and became a proper human being. No real change externally as it was still bounded by Form and Time.
    ‘Five. It gained a very limited elasticity of Form and Time. Just like us today.
    ‘Seven. She or he learned how to exit Form and adopt any appearance they liked. Again just like we can. We think that the Auriganii were able to remain in the seventh for much longer periods than us.
    ‘Eight. Time-travel is said to be possible in the eighth, so, and we are…’ Tullia’s lips quirked in a smile as she received her twin’s clear thought:
‘Not guessing’
‘predicating that life in the eighth was totally without Form.
    ‘Nine. The Space Wars suggest that

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