RIDING DARKNESS (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

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Book: RIDING DARKNESS (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella) by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James
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his cock throb, just by the sound of Brooke entering
the bathroom. That ’ s how
fast she got to him.
    “ Can
you hear me? ” Ares asked.
    “ Yes. ”
    “ What
do you know about your brother? ”
    “ Armen?
Why? ”
    “ You ’ re here because of him. He put
you in danger. He ’ s an
enemy to his club. Do you not understand that, darling? ”
    There was no response.
    Ares poked his head out of the
shower curtain and saw Brooke sitting on the bathroom sink, naked. Her hands
gripped the front of the sink and her beautiful breasts just hung there.
    She turned her head and looked at
Ares. “ Are you going to
kill me? ”
    “ I
don ’ t want to, ” Ares said. “ But I need the truth. ”
    “ It
started when my parents were murdered. I found them. They were shot to death. A
bullet in each of their heads. Right away, Armen grabbed me and told me we had
to run. That the men who killed our parents were coming for us. I didn ’ t know what to do. So I ran with
him. We went for a few days and then ran out of money. Armen loved to gamble.
He was pretty good at it, but I fear he ’ s
nothing but a cheater. That ’ s
when he started setting up underground gambling events. He ’ d find places with rich men or
crews like you ’ re in …”
    “ And
what did he do? ” Ares
    “ He
let them play and stole what he could. He had a knack to it all. Pitting
enemies against each other. Letting things get hot, but never boiling over like
what happened here. ”
    “ Back
Down Devil doesn ’ t fuck
around in their town, ” Ares
said. “ They are the law. ”
    “ I ’ m sure Armen knows that now. ”
    “ Well,
it ’ s too late, darling.
There are a lot of people who want to kill your brother. Probably you too. This
club is included on that long list now. You can ’ t
just run from this. ”
    “ That ’ s what Armen does. He tells me
we need the cash to stock up on weapons to fight back when they come … they being the people who
killed our parents. ”
    “ You
believe him? You trust him? ”
    Brooke swallowed and looked down. “ I don ’ t know. I lost my parents. They were good people.
Armen was never a good person. But they were murdered. Armen swore he ’ d love me and protect me. So I
ran with him. And each time I thought we were done or I could find a way out, something
happened. ”
    “ He
ever hurt you? ”
    “ Do
I have to answer that? ”
    “ I
think you just did. ” Ares
made fists as the water continued to pound on his body.
    “ Yeah,
well, this is where I am, Ares. I don ’ t
know where I ’ m going or
what I ’ m going to do. ”
    “ You ’ re going to stay with me,
darling. I ’ ll protect you
for now. But you have to realize what your brother did. And what ’ s going to happen to him. ”
    “ So
tell me. ”
    “ That
bullet hole in my leather cut … that was from him. The first shot … that was from him. The bullet that took out one of the prospects … that was him. He smacked that
drink tray out of your hand to create some kind of diversion and allowed all
hell to break loose. ”
    “ Armen
did all that … ? ”
    “ Are
you blind or in denial? ”
    “ I
don ’ t know, Ares. ”
    Ares tore open the shower curtain.
Water dripped from his body. “ Look
at me, Brooke. It ’ s pretty
simple. He killed one of the prospects. He wanted to kill me. He came into
Frelen thinking he could sneak in and out and fuck around. That ’ s not allowed. It won ’ t be tolerated. I took you from
that warehouse because I needed to know the truth. But I also did it because
something about your eyes … it made me want to trust you. And I still want to trust you. But you can ’ t be blind to all this. Your
brother is going to die for what he did. ”
    Silence fell in the bathroom other
than the sound of rushing water.
    Brooke slowly put her feet to the
floor and faced Ares. She was so pretty. Naturally pretty, which was something
that just always got to Ares. From her dark eyes, to her full

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