Riding Danger
every once in a while to see if anybody was coming.
    It seemed as if an eternity passed. The music coming from the bar vibrated through the walls, a man staggered out to the parking lot and urinated against the tire of the car, slapping his hand down on the footing grunting the entire time. More cars passed by on the highway in front of the bar and laughter and the smell of weed floated up from somewhere around the other side of the building.
    “Maybe you’re just being paranoid and they aren’t coming.” Felicity hoped not anyway. She had to go to the bathroom, and she was tired. What was more, she was starving to death. She hadn’t eaten anything all day because she had been too busy trying to impress Blaine. Well, look where that got me.
    “There they are. See them?”
    Felicity stuck her head out, like a turtle sticking his head out from his boxy shell. Sure enough two of the guys that been the apartment pulled up, looked at the car and then headed towards the bar. Blaine grabbed Felicity by the hand and headed toward the bus stop across the street. “Why didn’t we just come here to start with?” Felicity asked as he peered up the street.
    “Because I needed to make sure that they didn’t see us standing here. The bus ran just as we were pulling up, so it should get here any minute. Look, here it comes now.”
    Fear made her belly turn literally cold. What if the bus didn’t make it there before those guys left the bar? They’ll see us there, and we’ll be sitting ducks! I don’t know if they would just shoot us right there on the street, but they might.
    The bus came to a grinding halt, and Blaine grabbed her hand, practically pulling her up the stairs with him. He stopped long enough to drop bills into the box, and then they took a seat on the opposite side of the bus, away from the street. The bus pulled half away from the curb, and Felicity sagged against Blaine, tears rising up in her eyes.
    Blaine knew that this was getting to be just way too much for her. They needed food, and they needed shelter and needed it fast. He did not know where this bus was going to take them; but, wherever it took them, he was going to have to find a place for them to sleep when they got there.

    The bus let them out in a section of town that was run down and seedy. There was a small and deserted motel next to a closed down truck stop and a few little dive bars, most of them closed, as well. There were also stores with soaped-over plate-glass windows and a convenience store.
    It would have to do because there was nowhere else to go. He took Felicity to the motel and checked them in, paying cash in small bills. He had most of the money from the drug sale tucked inside his boots, but he had left a couple hundred dollars in small bills in his pockets. He killed them off, slowly double-counting those to give the clerk the impression that he could barely afford to spare the money.
    Inside the room, he took one look at Felicity’s face and decided that he had to leave her there while he went to get some food. He doubted she would run, since there was nowhere for her to go. He told her, “I’m going across the street to a convenience store and see if there’s anything in there decent enough to feed you. Please don’t run. In case you haven’t noticed, this in the best area of town, and there isn’t much safety for a woman out alone on the streets at night.”
    Felicity just nodded. The room was horrifying, dirty, and tired. Blaine had money in his pocket from that sale, as well as some other money that he had apparently been stashing; so, she could not figure out why he brought them into this roach-infested little hole in the wall. The whole place screamed disrepair. The walls were stained and peeling. The carpet looked like somebody had died on it, it was so stained in torn up. The beds were covered in an almost hallucinogenic-patterned set of thin

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