just took her to the hospital. She’s breaking down.”
    “Of course she is,” I say. “Who wouldn’t?”
    “Elaine says she’s been trying to reach you.”
    I sit up and look at my backpack through the open bedroom door. My phone’s in there.
    “I must have my ringer turned down.”
    “Sh ould I text her back and let her know you’re here and safe? Her exact words are: ‘Took Minnie to hospital. Emotional breakdown. Is Carrie with you?’”
    Oh, man. It’s one t h ing to be with Mark like this. It’s a whole other game to admit to the world that we’re together together.
    Our eyes lock. H e’s asking me the same question I’m pondering.
    A small smile tickles my lips. I feel guilty for being happy at a time like this, but I am. The spinning disappears. A sweet, warm sense fills me. I’m here, with Mark, and we’re together. Really together. He’s shown me his truths. His soul. His body. His heart.
    And I’ve shown him all of mine, right back.
    Why hide this?
    “Yeah,” I say with a grin, biting my lower lip. “Tell her I’m here. With you.”
    A burst of happiness spreads across his face. He looks at his phone screen, types a few words, and sends t he text.
    “What did you say?” I ask.
    “I told her you’re naked in my bed.”
    I punch him lightly on the shoulder. “You did not!”
    “Did too.”
    I reach for the phone and he holds it up, taunting me. I get up on my knees and try to reach, but he’s so tall. So long. So lean and cut and—
    He groans. O ur eyes meet, except his f l it away and look down my body.
    “Jesus, Carrie, when you’re all stretched out like that in front of me, in the sunlight, I never want to leave this bed.”
    I return the favor, taking in his naked body with my eyes. “I see that,” I say pointedly, looking down. He’s, um, definitely at attention.
    R eality strikes. A wave of shame pours over me and I drop down from my knees, looking away. We should n’t be playing and teasing at a time like this. My God. What’s wrong with me?
    Mark scowls as he reads the new text. I t’s not Elaine, I assume.
    “Shit,” he mutters. “The chief’s calling us all in. I gotta be at the station in fifteen minutes.”
    I sniff. The air smells like sex and sweat and the divine. “ Of course you do.” The police found a body without limbs. I can’t believe it. My mind won’t process it. “ You need a shower.”
    He gives me a leer. “Want to join me?”
    “That,” I say in an arched tone, “would delay you.” He shrugs and walks down the hallway, pretending to be offended by my no .  
    As I walk past my backpack I hear a faint buzz.
    Oh, man.
    I can’t help myself. I unzip the pocket and pull out the phone.
    Eleven text s .
    Oh, geez.
    Most of them are from Cindy, one of the staff members at the no-kill shelter. With Minnie gone, she’s running the place.
    All of her texts are variations of begging for me to come in. Today is adoption day plus they have two Girl Scout troops coming, and...
    One of the texts is from Effie:
    Hello. This text is for Carrie. I don’t do these text things, so I hope she get s this. Please tell her to c ome to my house for coffee this weekend.
    She leaves a phone number. I stare at the phone, dumbfounded.
    The reality of the last twenty-four hours sinks in. Helping with Minnie. Going to work. The confrontation with Eric and The Claw. My cuts and bruises from Mark’s fake kidnapping. Coming back here. Having him pour out the truth to me. Sleeping with him.  
    Sleeping with him again .
    I need a plan.
    First, I text Cindy back and tell her I’ll be there later today to help.
    Then, I read Elaine’s texts, which are all about Minnie, except a new one that just came in.
    It says:
    Time to plan the wedding?
    I groan. Great. By now, half the town knows Mark and I are back together.
    I really need a plan.
    I flip over to my To Do list on my phone and start tapping out what I need to do.
    The shower shuts off and Mark appears,

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