state of inner peace for just ten more minutes. Can we talk about it over supper?”
Massie opened her mouth to explain that there was nothing to talk about when a voice from upstairs shouted, “Kendra, honey, is everything okay?”
“Yes, Sudie, everything’s fine,” Kendra yelled softly.
“Well, then come back up—Mimi has something she’d like to share.”
“Coming.” Kendra placed her manicured hand on the top of Massie’s head. “Go use my new loofah; it’s in the closet beside the sauna. If that doesn’t help, I’ll take you to my aesthetician in the morning.”
“Where’s Dad?” Massie asked.
“Late meeting, he’ll be home after dinner.”
“Fine,” Massie said as she ran up the stairs ahead of her mother.
Once Massie was in her bathroom, she tore the plastic wrapper off her mother’s loofah and stepped into the steaming hot shower. She rubbed a bar of L’Occitaine shea butter soap all over her body and scrubbed.
Once Massie dried off, she combed her shoulder-length hair and slipped on her Michael Stars hot pink boy shorts and matching tank top. She sat down on her white duvet and pulled out her PalmPilot. It was time to record the day’s events.
Dr. Juice
Spray tans
Q: Seven-letter word for vengeance
Q: Eleven-letter word for mercy
A: Revenge
A: Forgiveness
When Massie finished typing, she looked down at her raw, red hands. Alicia had gotten the best of her this time. But the battle had just begun. And Massie was ready to fight.
7:17 PM
November 14th
After almost three long months of living in the guesthouse on the Blocks’ estate, Claire Lyons had finally started to feel at home. It was a smaller, more rustic version of the grand stone mansion Massie and her family lived in. And Kendra had used the cottage to store antiques and paintings that weren’t impressive enough to display in the main house. But Claire didn’t think there was anything second rate about it. In fact, now she liked her new home even more than her old one in Orlando. Suddenly they were reclining in cushy leather chairs—no more stiff wicker. They could sip root beer floats from heavy crystal fountain glasses instead of mismatched plastic ones. And family game night no longer felt like a tired tradition. It was an event.
“Todd, it’s your turn to pick,” Judi Lyons said to her son as she burst through the swinging kitchen door and joined her family in the living room.
Claire heard the soothing hum of the dishwasher in the background and knew that meant her mother was finally ready to play.
Todd put his root beer float down on the glass card table and wiped his sticky hands on his Hulk Hogan pajama bottoms.
“Gross,” Claire said.
“Oh, please, I just saw you wipe the sugar from your sours on the chair,” Todd said. “Why don’t you take them out of your back pocket and share them with the rest of us?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Claire said, feeling the bag of candy under her butt as she shifted in her seat.
“I know why you’re hoarding them,” Todd said.
Claire felt her face turn red. She prayed that for once in his life, her brother would be cool and keep his mouth shut.
“Because Cam Fisher gave them to you.” Todd made kissing sounds and started rolling around on the couch. “Oh, Cam, I love you sooo much. I will protect your sours with my life. …”
Claire lifted her leg, ready to kick Todd off the couch, but quickly changed her mind. Instead she crossed it over her knee and tugged her shoelace. She was defenseless, and had been for the last week, ever since Cam stopped Todd at Briarwood Academy’s bike rack and asked if he was Claire’s brother. When Todd said yes, Cam made him his trusted delivery boy, the guy responsible for bringing mix CDs and candies home for Claire. And the last thing Claire wanted to do was kick the messenger in case he
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