unless safety is guaranteed.”
    “We aren’t going to try anything,” I said. “We can meet somewhere that’s open, so that there’s no chance of an ambush.”
    “We could use the runway,” Michael said.
    Boss Dragon looked at Michael, as if wondering whose side he was on. “You said Makara has a plan. What is it?”
    “We figured out how to stop the xenovirus,” I said. “The xenovirus is what controls all the Blighters. And...” Anna looked at me, and I realized I probably shouldn’t reveal too much, too soon. “Makara can explain the rest at the meeting. But one thing you should know is that the xenovirus and the Great Blight are a lot more powerful than you think. First it was Raider Bluff. Next, it will be Vegas.”
    Boss Dragon’s eyes appeared troubled. After sitting in silence for at least a full minute, the candles on the table burning on, he looked at Anna and me in turn.
    “I’ll arrange a meeting. By tomorrow, every gang lord will know that Makara will be parlaying on the runways.”
    “We can let her know tonight,” I said.
    “Actually, you both will be staying here tonight,” Boss Dragon said.
    “I’m not staying here any longer than I have to,” I said.
    “I’m not taking you hostage,” Boss Dragon said. “It’s too dangerous to be out on the streets this late. I would be remiss to allow it.”
    “Staying is a good idea,” Michael said. “Especially if Howlers are out.”
    I didn’t like it, but I decided to trust Michael’s judgment.
    “Until tomorrow, then.” Boss Dragon looked at Michael. “Escort them to some of our guest rooms. You are to stay with the Angels until the meeting is over. Keep me updated.”
    Michael gave a slow nod, and just like that, the meeting was over. We got up from our chairs and followed Michael out of the restaurant, toward the bank of elevators we had passed earlier.
    “At least he agreed to set something up,” I said. “We got what we wanted.”
    It was hard to tell if Boss Dragon was friend or foe, but for a gang lord, he didn’t seem that bad. Michael led us up some stairs, taking us to the third floor. The interior was dirty, smelling of dirt and must. I guess that’s what happened when a carpet hadn’t been properly cleaned in over thirty years. The doors – at least most of them – were still intact.
    Michael led us to the end of the hall, opening a door on our left.
    “You can stay here,” he said. “I’ll come back for you in the morning.”
    Makara was going to be wondering where we were tonight. “Is there any way you can give Makara word about where we are?”
    “Give me the right channel, and I can try contacting Odin.”
    I gave him the channel, and he brought the radio to his mouth.
    “Odin , you have a copy?”
    He waited ten seconds or so, before trying again.
    “Odin , do you have a copy?”
    “They must be off the ship,” Anna said. “You can try again later.”
    “I’ll try to let her know what’s going on by tonight. As far as you guys stand, you have nothing to be afraid of. The Boss sees you as messengers, and he won’t do anything to provoke Makara. Stay here until morning. We’ll meet by the fountain. You can catch me up on everything then.”
    Michael reached out a hand. I shook it.
    “Alex. It’s good to see you alive. Try to stay that way.”
    He nodded to Anna, and walked down the hall.
    We went inside the dark hotel room, and locked the door behind us.

Chapter 8
    The next morning, Anna and I sat on the edge of the empty fountain out front while Michael went to find breakfast. He came back a few minutes later with some corn bars and water.
    “Sorry for the small portions,” he said. “We’re being careful about food around here with the Blighters around; our supply could be cut off at any time.”
    “When is this meeting supposed to happen, specifically?” Anna asked, taking a big bite of her bar.
    “Not sure, yet,” Michael said. “Probably sometime this afternoon. I’ll have my

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