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Book: Returned by Keeley Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keeley Smith
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already shaking her head. “I wish I could but once the spell has been cast it is up to the individual mind whether it repairs itself.”
    “So you're saying that I might never remember my life?”
    “I'm sorry, this was the only way to keep you from knowing who you are, and asking questions about your appearance.”
    “My appearance?”
    “Yes, you never change in appearance.”
                  That didn’t make sense, she grew older every year, of course her appearance changed. She shook her head. “Why didn’t you just go with the easy option and just tell me? Why not let me decide how I wanted to live my life. Why did you have to take my memories?”
    “It was the only option at the time, things were too dangerous and by the time things settled down you were already settled and your memories were gone. We had to give you time to find your power, we just never imagined it would take this long. I want to assure you that you’ve had a good life.”
    “Well, you would know,” she replied smartly. “From today I don't want my memories taken from me. From now on I want to remember everything.”
    “Yes. Of course.”
    So many questions popped into her head. She sighed rubbing her eyes. “How am I meant to deal with this? How can I?”
    “Cora, his family are the reason you don't have one.”
    Anger spiked deep in her gut. “I'm just one person, me, on my own. How I am meant to do this?” She couldn't actually believe she was even contemplating it.
    “You're not alone, you have an entire coven to help you.”
    “I have a what?” she screeched in shock.
    Tabitha smiled and then stood aside. Cora’s heart was palpitating. A coven? Hundreds of people?
                  Tabitha motioned for her to stand, which she did. As she stood Tabitha placed her hand on her back and guided her towards the staircase. She felt the gentle pull on her elbow as Tabitha continued to take her down the stairs. She would finally find out where the stairs led to. This made her excited and nervous. Her curiosity about the door would finally get an answer, but she had a funny feeling that after tonight her life would never be the same.
    Chapter 9
    As they stood on the last step facing the wall Tabitha whispered something foreign. Before Cora could ask what the word meant the wall moved revealing nothing but more steps into the darkness. She was gently pulled through the door alongside Tabitha.
                  Darkness engulfed her taking away her sense of direction, her sense of anything. Her hearing heightened, her eyes strained trying to see ahead of her. She picked up the faint smell of... mud. Wet mud.  She felt the reassuring warm arm around her waist.  It was the only thing restricting her from running back up the fake stairway. She hated darkness, how did you ever know what was lingering in the shadows?
                  Taking a deep breath she allowed Tabitha, who was now a dark shape next to her, to guide her to wherever they were going. She felt reassured that Tabitha was with her. She couldn't, no she wouldn’t, run around screaming her head off in the dark.
                  They continued walking in silence with only the swoosh of Tabitha’s robe as their companion in the silence. After several turns, Tabitha eventually stopped. The arm left her waist, the air stalled in her lungs as she felt the first stirrings of panic. She caught the sound of a crackle of energy before it snapped and light filled the area.
                  She was stood in a cove which was large and circular in shape. Every wall was lined with book shelves. Tabitha seemed to like dusty books. In the middle of this room, taking pride of place, was a huge oak table surrounded by four tall high backed chairs. A symbol engraved in the middle of the table caught her eye. A memory

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