Resurrection in Mudbug

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Book: Resurrection in Mudbug by Jana DeLeon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana DeLeon
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from the floor. 
    “What the hell?” Junior stared at the handcuffs dangling in front of him and Jadyn jumped in front of Colt to block his view. All around her, men fled the bar, not wanting to be any part of a fight involving the sheriff. Helena ran right out the front door along with them. 
    So much for security detail.
    Mildred and Maryse were on their second round of gin rummy when they heard yelling across the street. They both jumped up to peek out the front window of the hotel, and stared as men came running out of the bar and tore away in their vehicles. At the end of the pack came a burst of pink, racing right past the hotel. The shoes were gone, but the spandex was still intact…with an addition.
    A pair of handcuffs dangled from Helena’s wrist.
    Maryse looked over at Mildred. “This can’t be good.”
    Colt took advantage of Junior’s momentary loss of concentration and clocked him square in the jaw. Between Colt’s punch and the amount of beer Junior had consumed, the troublemaker fell straight back onto the hardwood floor and didn’t move so much as a finger.
    “Nice punch,” Jadyn said and tossed the pocketknife back to the bartender. “Thanks.”
    The bartender nodded and put two beers on the counter. “I figure you both earned these, even though you cleared out my customers.”
    Colt looked over at the bartender. “Damn it, Bill, why didn’t you break that up before it got out of control?”
    The bartender grinned and shrugged. “’Cause Junior Thibodeaux’s an asshole who needs a butt-whooping.”  
    Colt sighed, but Jadyn noticed he didn’t argue. He glanced around the floor, then threw his hands up in the air. “Where the hell are my handcuffs?”
    “They must have gotten taken in the stampede,” Jadyn said.
    “I don’t even have spares on me. I was planning on having a beer, not breaking up a bar fight.”
    “Here ya go.” Bill tossed Colt a piece of rope. “It’ll rub his wrists something awful if he starts struggling, but I figure that’s a plus.”
    Colt flipped the lifeless Junior over and secured his hands behind his back. He was just finishing up when Maryse and Mildred burst into the bar. Jadyn took one look at them and couldn’t hold in a laugh.
    Maryse had a purple lamp from the hotel lobby and held it over her shoulder like a batter ready to swing. Mildred clutched a phone book.
    “Is everything okay?” Maryse asked, scanning the bar.
    Colt took one look at them and grinned. “And if it wasn’t, what the heck did you two plan on doing—illuminating the fight and calling for pizza?”
    Maryse lowered the lamp and Mildred dropped the phone book on a table. “We were playing cards over at the hotel when we heard the commotion,” Mildred explained. “We were afraid Jadyn might be in trouble so we grabbed the nearest items and hauled it over here.”
    Colt raised one eyebrow. “And why would you automatically assume Jadyn was mixed up in that mess?”
    “Because we saw how she was dressed when she left the hotel,” Maryse said.
    Bill starting laughing. “God love you, Maryse. You have a way of seeing the gem in the shit. You should come in more often.”
    Suddenly Maryse froze and the lamp slipped from her hand and crashed to the floor. Her eyes widened and all the color rushed from her face.
    “Oh no,” Mildred wrapped her arm to steady her. “Take a deep breath, honey. It’s just a building.”
    Maryse blew out the breath with a whoosh and sucked another in so rapidly Jadyn was afraid she’d hyperventilate.
    “Oh man,” Bill said and hurried from behind the bar over to Maryse. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about…look, I ain’t got no words for what my cousin did ’cause there ain’t none that makes sense of it, but I ain’t him and I aim to turn this bar into something useful again.”
    Maryse nodded as she took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. “I know, Bill. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

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