Relentless Pursuit

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Book: Relentless Pursuit by Kathy Ivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Ivan
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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station, he'd been instantly attracted to her. She reminded him a lot of Theresa.  They had the same coloring, long blonde hair and a pale creamy complexion.  That initial appearance of fragility disguising a core of solid steel.  Under different circumstances, he wouldn't have hesitated to date her, bed her and move on.  But these weren't the usual circumstances by anybody's definition.  He was responsible for keeping her safe and out of Dubshenko's clutches, for however long that took.
    Looking at her tucked up in the bed they'd have to share, he could only hope they arrested him pretty damn quick before his little head overrode all sense in his big head, and he did what he'd been dying to do ever since they'd left his house.  Find out if her lips were as soft as they looked.
    “Where are you going to sleep?”  The softly voiced question brought his eyes zeroing back to her.
    “Right beside you, sweetheart.”
    Jennifer struggled upright in the bed, keeping her death grip on the blankets.  “Hell, no.  I don't think so.”
    “Well, think again.  Have you taken a good look at the carpet?  There is no way I'm sleeping on that disease-ridden mess.”  He toed off his boots, and sat down on the edge of the bed to peel off his socks.  Grabbing a handful of his shirt, he yanked it off over his head, and started to toss it onto the floor, stopping in mid-motion.  He stomped over and folded it before placing it atop the backpack.   Fingers flicked open the button of his jeans.
    “Wait.  Keep your pants on.”
    Remy turned around to face Jennifer, crossing his arms over his chest.  “I am not sleeping in my jeans.  For heaven’s sake, we're both adults.  We can share a bed without pouncing on each other in uncontrolled lust.”  Although that sounded like a really good idea to him.  It had been a long dry spell since he'd had a gorgeous blonde in his bed.
    He unzipped his jeans and peeled them down his legs, smiling when he looked up and saw Jennifer's eyes squeezed tightly shut.  Folding the jeans, he placed them with his shirt.  Reaching inside the backpack, he pulled out his .38 snub nose and strolled over to the side of the bed closest to the door.  Which just happened to be the side she'd plopped her pretty little fanny on.
    “Move over, sweetheart.  I need to be near the door.”
    With a huff she scooted over, still keeping her death grip on the covers.  He slid underneath, punching the flattened pillow behind him and shoved the .38 beneath his pillow.  With both their lives on the line, Remy wasn't taking any chances.  While he was pretty sure Dubshenko didn't have a lead on them yet, it was only a matter of time.
    “Try to get some sleep.  We'll have to take off early to keep ahead of Dubshenko.”
    She turned toward him, braced her head on her bent arm and studied his face.  “What did Captain Hilliard say?  Was there any word on Carlo?”
    Remy leaned forward and tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear, marveling at how soft the skin of her cheek was.  His groin tightened and swelled.  Looks like the little head wanted to do the thinking after all.  He needed to get a tight rein on things right now.
    “There's no word on your brother yet.  Cap's got everyone available out looking for any sign of him, but nothing so far.  Dubshenko's limo was spotted at your house, but you already knew that.  He thinks they loaded Carlo inside it after you took off, but there's no trace of him.”  He saw the tears welling up in her eyes, and he wanted to make everything better for her. He just wasn't sure how.
    “No, don't think the worst.  You talked to him.  You know he was alive after he left your house.  Carlo's smart, right?  A fighter?”  She nodded, and he heard her whisper, “You have no idea.”  He brushed it aside and continued.
    “He's hurt, though we don't know how badly.  Cap says there was some blood at your house.  Not as much as you'd think for a gunshot

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