Red House

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Book: Red House by Sonya Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonya Clark
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said you were sore.” He rubbed the back of my neck, fingers digging into tense muscles. “I thought you might like to relax.”
    He looked so tender, so concerned for my well-being, I couldn’t help but melt just a little. “That is a very sweet way to try to get me naked.”
    Further undoing my resolve, he bit his lip. “Is it working?” The corner of his mouth raised in an enticing smirk. He leaned over and shut off the water, trailing his hand through the bubbles.
    It did look cozy and the hot water sure would feel good after being tossed around by a ghost. I nodded. “But you can’t watch me undress.”
    Laughing, he said, “I’ve seen you naked. I know you remember.”
    Warmth spread across my cheeks. “This is not a peep show.” I shooed him out the door. “Go on, the water’s not getting any hotter.”
    “I’ve got to wait on room service anyway. Soon as it gets here, I’ll join you.”
    I would be safely hidden under a mound of bubbles by then. “Okay.”
    He left and I closed the door behind him. I stripped quickly, leaving my clothes in a neat stack on the floor next to my shoes and my glasses on the vanity. The water was almost too hot but I sank into it with a gratified sigh. The rich vanilla scent of the bubble bath filled the room. I arranged a thick layer of bubbles to cover me then leaned back, letting my limbs spread out in the massive tub.
    A bubble bath in the middle of the day, how indulgent. Or maybe it only felt that way because I was in the tub in Blake’s hotel room instead of my own room back at the house. There hadn’t been much in the way of indulging in the past months, so I tried to relax and let myself enjoy it. I drifted in thoughtless lethargy until he returned carrying a tray of strawberries and champagne. I grimaced. Poor guy was trying so hard, I felt bad about what I had to tell him.
    “I thought you might like a little snack to go with your bath.” He moved a luggage rack next to the tub and set the tray on it.
    “I had lunch so I’m not hungry.” I checked my bubble cover, finding it still in place. He started to speak but I stopped him. “And I’m allergic to strawberries.” I gave him an apologetic look. “It’s very sweet of you, though.”
    “Damn. I wish I’d known. Is the champagne okay?”
    I shook my head. “Can’t stand the stuff.”
    He sat on the edge of the tub. “No champagne. I’ll have to remember that. So for future reference, what would be a good aphrodisiac to feed you?”
    Giggling at the absurdity of the question, I said, “Chocolate’s good for all occasions.”
    Blake nodded, his lips twitching with a smile. “I would have to agree with that. So what do you like to drink? You like wine?” I shook my head. “Beer?”
    “Jack and Coke.” I broke the surface of the bubbles with my toes, glad of the new red polish I’d applied just a few days before.
    He noticed, watching my feet move back and forth in the water for a moment before replying. “You want me to call room service?”
    “No, I have to drive home.”
    Giving me a look that suggested he seriously doubted I’d be leaving anytime soon, he stood and pulled his t-shirt over his head, tossing it carelessly to the floor.
    “What are you doing?” Dumb question.
    Unzipping his jeans, he paused with his hands ready to pull them down. “I said I would join you.”
    “I thought you meant you’d hang out with me while I was in the tub. While I was alone in the tub.” Oh God . A quick glance told me he was going commando. I drew my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. If he got in the tub, all plans of acting like a perfect little lady would go right out the window.
    “What would be the fun in that?”
    Off came the jeans. Refusing to be embarrassed or intimidated, I kept my gaze north. Keep looking at his face, keep looking at his face... Damn, he was– No, look at his face. Well, mostly north.
    Unconcerned about his nudity, Blake took his time

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