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Book: Reaper by Emily Goodwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Goodwin
padded into the family room.
      “Want to see the horses?” I asked René as soon as her feet hit the bottom stair.
    “Ok.” René agreed. We walked silently to the barn. “Holy crap!” René looked around. “This place is amazing!”
    “Thanks!” I beamed. René just earned major points by complimenting the barn. “I actually came up with the design myself.”
    “I’ve never seen a barn like this! I think it’s nicer than our apartment!” She ran her hand over a stall door. “It’s so elegant!” She whirled around, making herself dizzy. “Is it weird to think a barn is elegant?”
    “Not at all.” I took a long look down the aisle myself. “That was what I wanted.” I motioned for her to follow me. “I’ll give you a tour.”
    “I don’t mean to be rude or anything,” René said cautiously after she saw the entire barn. “But how the hell can you afford this?”
    “Oh.” I didn’t even think of explaining my extravagant spending. “I inherited a lot of money from my great aunt, along with the house.” Simple enough, I thought.
    “Yeah,” I agreed. I felt awkward talking about the money. Everyone (expect Ethan) made a big deal about it. Having a lot of money didn’t make me any better or worse than anyone. I was different enough from the rest of the world already and really didn’t want or need something as mundane as money making me any more different.
    We walked in tandem to the pasture. I cupped my hands around my mouth and called the horses in for their dinner. Rene wobbled when opened the gate for me and she trailed behind as I led both horses into the barn.
    “So do you still want to be my friend now?” I half joked.
    “What do you mean?” René asked.
    “The weapons…talk about reaper demons,” I muttered.
    “Oh,” René pushed her eye brows together. “Yeah. I think I can still be your friend.”
    “Good,” I said though I was unconvinced. I shut Mystery’s stall door. I wondered how she’d be taking this if she hadn’t guzzled almost a whole bottle of vodka.
      We brushed the horses, fed them, and went back into the house. René stopped a few feet from the back door and looked at the barn again.
    “It looks like your house,” she observed.
    “That was the idea. I wanted it to match,” I admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.
    “It even has those tower thingies.”
    “Copulas,” I corrected.
    “I like it.” She smiled at me.
    “Thanks,” I said and beamed. Apprehensively, I led the way into the house. The weapons had been cleared off the table. Three Order members were in the family room watching TV. Belinda sat stiffly in an armchair; Ethan was on one end of the couch, leaning against the arm. Sam was in the middle next to him, making it impossible for me to take a seat by my boyfriend. I sat down on Sam’s other side, trying hard to show that she wasn’t going to get to me.
    “Where did your dad and Julia go?” I looked across Sam to Ethan.
    “To get their stuff from the hotel. They’re staying here tonight, if that’s ok with you,” Ethan said.
    “Of course,” I smiled. “I think we should all stick together until this is over.” I turned my attention to the TV but was feeling restless again. “Want anything to eat?” I asked René.
    “I don’t care,” she sighed, sounding sad again.
    “I do,” Ethan said with a smile.
    “I’ll make something,” I offered, since I had gotten into a bit of a cooking kick lately.
    “I’ll help,” René told me, and followed me into the kitchen. “So what’s the deal with the blonde bitch?” she whispered once we were out of ear shot. I pulled a cookbook down from a cabinet and sat at the island counter. René stumbled when she pulled out the stool. Blinking, she sat down and shook her head. “She’s been staring daggers at you.”
    “You can tell?” I flipped through the book.
    “Hell yeah. She’s sending major hate-vibes your way.”
    I laughed. “That’s for

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