Ravenwild: Book 01 - Ravenwild

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Book: Ravenwild: Book 01 - Ravenwild by Peter Plasse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Plasse
shifted her gaze. Beside the sword was a solid ash bow that, again, looked like it might be just right for her, and a quiver of arrows.
    She noticed that Erik was nowhere in sight. She called his name out softly.
    “Out here,” he called back. His voice was so charming, so expressive, and full of the enthusiasm of youth. It was as though exiting this simple hut to join him was the most important thing she had ever done, and for the first time in her 15 years Stephanie Doreen Strong knew what it was to feel rapture. She embraced it, wrapping it about her like a protective cloak, and walked tall and strong out to her first glimpse of …
    She noticed that the hut was set at the edge of a well-maintained dirt path that served as the border of a huge garden in which grew an abundance of crops. She spied corn, beans, all kinds of tomatoes, eggplants, beets, cauliflower, and several other vegetables she did not recognize. The garden, like the surrounding dirt path, appeared well cared for. But what struck her fancy a thousandfold over her delight at seeing the beauty and richness of the well-tended crops were the two horses being held by Erik. Both were huge and would have towered over the two horses she had at home.
    “Stephanie, please meet Cloud and Spirit.” To her astonishment, as he spoke their names each clearly nodded in response. “I give you Spirit, to have for as long as you remain in Ravenwild.”
    He let go of the reins and the horse walked calmly over to her. She reached out to pat her neck, and Spirit nuzzled her over what turned out to be a small pocket in her blouse in which she found an assortment of treats, one of which she accepted and happily crunched away, after which she thanked her with a low nicker.
    “Well, my beautiful girl,” she whispered, wrapping herself around her neck, “I’m delighted to meet you.”
    “Okay,” said Erik, “Let’s get you into your gear.”
    “What gear?”
    “The things in the tent. They too are yours, for as long as you choose to stay.”
    Out of the blue Stephanie felt a pang of homesickness, for while this was the most astounding sequence of events she found unfolding around her, and truly enthralling, she found herself wishing that she had waited. Clearly her family should be a part of this.
    Her face must have shown a fairly accurate representation of what she was feeling inside, for when she looked up into Erik’s eyes, he seemed to know.
    “Hey there,” he said gently, “Remember, all you have to do is say ‘I want to go home’ three times, out loud, and you will be right back home with your family, asleep in your bed. Not to worry.”
    “But would I be able to come back again and bring them?”
    “Not the way I understand it,” he returned, “unless, of course, this is where they choose to come on their adventure. Remember, the whole point of it is so that you guys all know it is real, because you have to, and then your Mom and Dad have to decide if the mission to save Hemlock’s people from going extinct is something they are willing to do. See, because when they go on their way, they will not be able to return by saying, ‘I want to go home’ three times. They will go in the presence of Hemlock, and he will be responsible for transporting them back with the thing he uses to make the travel thing possible in the first place.”
    “Hmmm,” said Stephanie, entirely unsure as to what to do.
    “Tell you what,” said Erik, “let’s get your gear on and ride on over to the castle. I would like for you to at least meet my Mom and Dad. They are the King and Queen after all, and how often do you get to meet the King and Queen of a country in a different universe, and who live in a castle?”
    “Sure, why not,” said Stephanie, feeling torn in two different directions. “Why do I need to get that stuff on, anyway?”
    “Well, first of all, they are my gifts to you, as with Spirit.” Spirit nickered softly, and Stephanie

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