Pull (Deep Darkness Book 1)

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Book: Pull (Deep Darkness Book 1) by Stephen Landry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Landry
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solid white, the smallest the size of two
or three people standing upright. It had a tail that stretched several hundreds
yards and swayed against the sides of buildings knocking them down as if
they were nothing. Where I assumed its eyes would be there was only
darkness. Thirty maybe forty black circles stood on the side of its face. It was
bleeding from some parts of its body a phosphorescent blue liquid. The blue
blood filled the air with the smell of decay. It must have been at least two
hundred and fifty to three hundred feet tall. Staring at the creature I felt as if
reality itself was being sucked away and destroyed. Then I saw it. Its claws
were tearing apart survivors on the ground. It barely noticed them. It was
like crushing ants. Its teeth were stained red with the blood of Errikans, the
blood of Eeks, Poks, Droks, Myra, humans, and other species I couldn’t
    We were nothing to the beast; as far as it was concerned we didn’t even
exist. The sounds of bone bending and breaking filled my ears. I was more
terrified now then I had ever been. Aira shook me and yelled at me pulling
my paralyzed body away. I was in shock. I couldn’t even feel the pain in my
side anymore. Finally I came to and took her hand and ran joining the
stampede around us leaving my screaming mother behind. I knew that it was
what she would have wanted me to do but I can’t stop wondering if there had
been another way. The last thing I remember of her was seeing her broken
body, her eyes staring at me and her lips screaming at me to run. I was all she
cared about. All the kids she had watched, fostered taught it was I alone that
she truly loved. I was hers. I was her son and she was begging me to survive.
    I seriously thought I would see her again. I thought I would run and
then around the next corner she would be there arms spread ready to
embrace me. I thought I would have at least had a chance to say goodbye.
    I wanted to die. I wanted to give up. I wanted to stop running. Surely if
there was an afterlife Dom and my mother would be there so why couldn’t I
join them. “Where are we going?” I yelled towards Aira. “Anywhere but
here,” she said just as scared as I was. She was strong though she hadn’t
looked at the creature like I had. If she saw what I saw we both would still be
sitting caught in its shadow. I don’t even think she saw my mom the way she
moved through the crowd so quickly. If she had she wasn’t saying anything.
Aira was so much stronger then I was.
    The beast continued to stomp and screech tearing and ripping away at
the Tritan and the buildings that surrounded it. The entire dock was nothing
more than a mess of metal, bio-organic walls and body parts. It was the end of
the world - the end of Errikus. We made it to a shelther less than a mile away
from ground zero. Everyone was still screaming and crying. Some Errikans
were running around with holo projectors looking for loved ones. Some of the
Erika guards were aiming and shooting at the creature from rooftops; their
bullets had no effect. Other guards were aiming at the citizens. Everyone was
in such a panic they were killing each other. Shots fired wildly into crowds
that were breaking barriers and seals trying to get into the bunkers and
fallout shelters that led underground; all of which had already become
    “Take aim and don’t let anyone else in,” the COM of a guardsman
shouted. Aira and I were at the door. The guard, a tall and slender Eek in full
battle armor was aiming his rifle at us and shouting at us to turn back. It was
an M44, a special pulse rifle that fed of kinetic energy, designed by humans
and traded with Eek. Normally it would have been used on expeditions
beyond the wall. It was designed to send out a blast of radiation. How strong
the blast would depend on how long you held down the trigger. An enraged
Pok dived in front of us trying to use its small size to make it

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