throat. “Yes, let’s move on to the Thought Saber. Cool technique. Usually takes the form of a sword, although it can be anything that comes to mind. Use this weapon and you hear the emotions—screams of anguish, shouts of joy. It can slice through steel, but won’t cause physical harm to a person. However, the Thought Saber does have the interesting side effect of temporarily severing the connection between mind and body. Variations of the technique include War Hammers, which, of course, only Knights and other low IQ brutes use. Dark Emotions feed that sort of barbaric weapon. As you know, Dark Emotions…jealousy, guile, greed…are the realm of the Knights. Psi Fighters use the Pure Emotions.
“Which brings us to the Mental Blast, technique of choice for unleashing Pure Emotion. If you use joy or anger, the Mental Blast will knock an opponent off his feet. If you use something as powerful as fear, you must be careful not to kill him. That’s a no-no, considered bad form by those in power at the Academy. Unchain sheer fury, and you will completely blow away your opponent’s mind.”
Then Andy got very serious and looked straight at me. “And our most powerful weapon, the only one that can actually change a person’s heart. The Memory Lash. An emotional whip. Crack the whip, and you’ll raise memories like welts. Your opponent becomes his own victim. He remembers the most heartless things he ever did. He feels everything his victims felt: the agony, the terror, the sorrow. If he is capable of remorse, he will change in ways you can’t imagine. This is not a technique to take lightly. You will see everything he sees, feel everything he feels. It can be ugly. Be sure you’re up to it before you use it.
“And now, a happier topic.” Andy pulled his Amplifier from his belt. “The beautiful little piece of modern technology that makes all this possible.”
Like everything that was Andy’s, his Amplifier reflected his personality. Mine resembled a slim midnight blue fountain pen with silver bands and a really cool cap, crystal with a white rose embedded inside. However, Andy’s was a miniature light saber, burnished gold with intricate symbols and precious stones along the barrel. He held his Amplifier in the air, and a monstrous cutlass burst from it. Andy twirled the cutlass, and it became a whip, then a spear, then a shield. He spun the shield, and it transformed into a guitar. The whole class started to applaud.
“Thank ya,” he said, dropping to one knee. “Thank ya very much.” He leapt into the air, strummed the guitar, and it imploded back into the Amplifier’s tip.
“You were saying,” the Kilodan murmured, the slightest hint of emotion coming through.
Andy’s face turned red. “Most Amplifiers,” he explained, “look like a fountain pen or some other ordinary, everyday object. Easy to carry, easy to hide, completely undetectable. For a long time, only those who had mastered the Mental Arts could turn their thoughts into physical weapons. The rest of us had to touch our opponent to transfer mental attacks, the way my cold and uncaring partner just demonstrated. However, thanks to a technological genius, a master of psitronics—in fact, dare I say it? A babe magnet, the standard to which all women compare their men—”
The Kilodan sighed. “The point, Andor…”
Andy raised an eyebrow. “I personally find the history of the Amplifier fascinating. But for those of you who are less concerned with our glorious past, let me just say that the Amplifier gives the fledgling black belt the ability to channel thoughts and emotions into physical weapons. The technology behind it is very intricate, from the silver and gold encephalographic electrodes to the resonating core, which amplifies your thoughts the way a toilet bowl amplifies the sound you make when you—”
“Thank you, Andor.” The Kilodan shook his head and turned to the class. “To understand a technique, you must
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