still hard for you. I can’t wait until the day when you completely heal. You deserved better than that stupid motherfucker.”
I laughed.
“Thanks. I guess I don’t always feel that way.”
“I know you don’t. That is why you keep hooking up with all these random guys, but you are beautiful and deserve a man that will give you the world.”
“Is that the way you treat Stacey?”
He smiled.
“That is how I would treat any woman I was in love with.”
Stacey is a lucky bitch, I think. Who could ask for a more understanding man?
I look over at him and there is something there. I don’t understand what I am seeing but there is such tenderness in his eyes that I have the urge to reach over and give him a hug.
He leans in closer bringing his voice down to a low sensual whisper.
“What do you think it would have been like if we hooked up Maxi?”
I was a little stunned by the question at first, but then I remember that this is Mikey and we have played this game before. Plus, I was horny and in the mood to play.
“I think that it would be fantastic!” I exclaimed.
He beamed. I guess I did a good job stroking his ego. He leaned back in his seat folding his arms across his chest.
“You know, I was thinking the same thing. I know that you would be electric in bed. I can just see you now all wild and crazy.”
I threw my head back and laughed.
“That is true. I’m not so sure about your style in bed.”
He smiled.
“Well, let me clear it up for you,” he said placing his hand on my thigh.
“I like it very rough. I want a woman to feel me deep and hard inside of her. No mercy. I want to bang her fucking head on the headboard.”
I start to sweat. I was crazy to play this game with him. He always wins!
“Wow, I can’t see Mrs. Stacy being able to handle that.”
I lookeds up and see Julia walking back to the table. She is on her cell phone. I don’t know who she is talking to and I don’t care. I just keep trying to remember if my vibrator had batteries.
“Not very many women can handle me. I bet you can Maxi. I bet you can handle all of me. It would be your first white boy fuck.” He said moving back to his place at the table taking a sip of water.
Technically it wouldn’t be...
“And it would be your first black girl fuck or have you already cheated on me.”
He leaned forward.
“No baby, I’m saving myself for you.” He joked.
“Aww, you’re such a good boy.”
He stared at me as if he was in deep thought.
“I wish that we had handled this when we were in college.” He expressed.
“But things would be different between us.” I pointed out.
He moved into his previous position so close anyone else would have thought he was going in for the kiss.
“Oh Maxine, it could have been quite different.”
I stared at him wordlessly.
Just then the server interrupted sitting our drinks down on the table.
“Are you ready to order or do you need more time?” He said with little enthusiasm. Mikey moved away from me, but not without winking at me broadly.
“We’re ready.” Julia said returning to her seat.
I wonder if she saw or heard anything that had just transpired.
After lunch we rode in the Escalade back to my apartment. It was silent in the car except for the sound of the radio playing softly. I was still all tingly from my encounter with Mikey. It could be just my lack of sex but it felt like Mikey was genuinely coming on to me.
As quickly as that thought entered my head I dismissed it. The man just got married and his show at lunch is pretty much how we flirted the whole time we were in college.
I pushed our conversation to the back of my mind and continued to listen to the radio.
We stopped at a red light and Julia looked at me.
“Can I fix you up on a date?” She said her
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