slightly less than
one hundred fifty thousand in unsecured consumer debt.” He
whistled. “That’s a lot of money, girl.”
“Yes, sir.”
“We can help, but it won’t be easy for you.”
He sat back. “Are you prepared to accept the consequences of your
That sounded ominous, but Catrina had
expected no less. She really had no choice here; she needed their
help, no matter how difficult the program was. “Yes, sir, I
“You know how the program works?” He glanced
back down to the folder. “Meghan explained it.”
“Sort of.”
“I’ll be blunt then, so as not to waste
either of our time if you aren’t prepared to do as we say. Meghan
was in our program for three months. You would be required to
participate for a period of one year.”
Catrina’s mouth fell open. “But—”
“No buts, girl. You’re in a load of trouble.
Did you honestly think we’d wipe out that much debt and only
require you to serve three months?”
“I-I don’t know. Sir.” A year? Oh,
God. I feel sick.
“A year, girl. Twelve months. After your training is complete and you’ve gotten a benefactor.”
Fuck. She hung her head and nodded.
Then, when he said nothing, she added, “Yes, sir.”
“During that time, you’d be required to
serve your benefactor in whatever way he requires. Look at me,”
Raoul snapped. “Your benefactor, by the way, in case Meghan didn’t
explain it, would be the man who agrees to pay your debt and
therefore will be who you’ll owe your service to.”
What a nice way to put this whole thing.
Raoul went on as if they were discussing the
weather, not the undoubtedly horrifying ordeal she’d be placing
herself in shortly if she agreed to this crazy scheme. Like I
have a choice. “You’d be in training with me for a period of
two weeks and your auction, if we feel you’re ready, will happen at
the end of the training term. Your benefactor would take immediate
possession. You will live with him for the year, and then you’ll be
free to go back to your own life, debt-free. Do you understand so
“Yes, sir.”
“You are expected to be completely available
to your benefactor. That means you won’t be working. However, you
will complete some financial management courses under the guidance
of your benefactor. After all, we don’t want repeat offenders
Catrina nodded, feeling her manicured nails
biting into the skin of her palms as they fisted on her lap. Could
she do this? The words “no way out” boomeranged around in her
Raoul pulled a sheaf of papers from the
folder. “This is our contract. It’s been tailored to you and your
particular situation. Read it. I’ll be back in a little while.” He
stood, handed her the contract, and then left.
Sweat trickled down the back of Catrina’s
neck, though it wasn’t warm in the room. She turned her attention
to the contract. Again, so innocuous-looking. Her stomach churned.
Things didn’t get better as she read.
After a short time, Raoul returned and
resumed his seat behind the massive mahogany desk. “Did you read
the entire contract?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Did you understand everything?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You learn quickly. The benefactors will
like that. It’ll help you on auction day.”
Auction day…
He motioned for the contract. “We’ll go over
everything before you sign it.”
Catrina handed it over and Raoul turned his
attention to it. “You understand exactly what ‘servicing your
benefactor’ means?” Her face heated and she started to look at the
floor again. “Eyes on me,” he snapped. “You understand that your
body would not be your own? That your benefactor will have
essentially purchased the right to use you as he sees fit?”
“Yes, sir.”
“With your amount of debt, as I said, things
won’t be easy for you. As part of your agreement with your
benefactor, you would be expected to not only service his needs,
but those of anyone else he commands.
Sabrina Jeffries
Jaime Samms
Gabriella Goliger
Kate Harper
Richard A. Knaak
Rae Meadows
Annie Dalton
Riley Barton
Rebecca A. Rogers
Naomi Ragen