Prison Ship

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Book: Prison Ship by Michael Bowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Bowers
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eyes sparkled under waves of dark hair.
    “I may be joining you soon,” he whispered to her.
    STEINER waited in his custom-made chair as each of the RED shift reported to the command center for duty. While he watched them prepare their posts, he wondered which of them might be planning his demise. Heavy footsteps warned him of Tramer’s entering and moving to the weapons console. Steiner didn’t look back at it. The sight of it disgusted him.
    “Captain, all stations have reported in, except for the engine room,” Tramer announced.
    The mechanical hardness of the voice grated on Steiner’s nerves. He refused to acknowledge the cyborg’s report.
    Down at the helm, Simmons, the navigator, was showing Mason what course had been plotted. Ever since Mason had entered the center, he had been so busy that he hadn’t found time to talk. Steiner wanted to ask where Sam was but refrained.
    To get his mind off the boy, Steiner stepped up onto the raised platform behind him. He passed by Tramer at the weapons console and stopped at the security station against the back wall. The monitors displayed several scenes of the crew hurrying with last-minute preparations. One view depicted three engineers searching along the cylindrical reactors that stretched the length of a massive chamber.
    “Daniels hasn’t finished with his inspection,” Tramer said.
    The deck vibrated several times. Miniature motors whined closer. Steiner looked up at the lifeless face looming over him. He fought back the urge to shrink away.
    “He estimates a fifteen-minute delay,” Tramer added.
    “Thank you,” Steiner replied with a forced smile. “I’ll wait in my conference room.”
    When he retreated down the stairwell into his private sanctuary, the nameplate on the door reminded him of his predecessor’s fate and perhaps his own. Footsteps followed behind him. He whirled about, half-expecting to see Tramer. Instead, it was Mason.
    “Have you seen the instruments I have to work with? I’ve had better on most of the freighters I used to operate. Isn’t this supposed to be a warship? A senior citizen’s mobility unit is better equipped.”
    Steiner smiled. Mason’s colorful exaggerations always cheered him up, even when they weren’t intended to. “This, coming from the man who bragged he could master anything that flew.”
    “I can fly it,” Mason replied. “But it’s going to be a real long trip. Most ships are equipped with third-generation phase drives. This bucket has the original model. It’ll take weeks to get to the border.”
    “Two weeks,” Steiner corrected.
    “Whatever.” Mason glanced up the stairwell, then pressed the keypad to close the door. “I don’t like being up there that long with Gruesome. He makes me nervous—like he’s always watching me. And, his body smells like it’s decomposing.”
    “We’ve got to work with it for now. Did you find Sam?”
    “He’s in the bar, chatting with some of the off-duty men. He’s a smart kid. He’ll be fine.”
    Steiner had already suspected that, but it set his mind at ease to hear confirmation.
    The ship shuddered, then mellowed into a slight drone.
    “The engines are active,” Mason said.
    “Captain,” Tramer’s voice erupted from the intercom, “Daniels reports that all the vital systems are clear of tampering.”
    Steiner touched a keypad on the desk. “I’m on my way.” After closing the channel, he found Mason grinning at him.
    “I see I’m not the only one that shakes whenever that thing speaks,” the pilot said. “It’s almost like death calling your name, isn’t it?”
    Without a reply, Steiner made his way to the door. After climbing up to the center, he slid into his command chair, while Mason took his place at the helm.
    “Earthstation, this is Captain Steiner, requesting departure instructions.”
    “P.A.V.,” the controller responded, “you are cleared for launch on path seven.
    “Take us out, Mr. Mason,” Steiner said.

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