Princess of Athelia: An Unfinished Fairy Tales Novella

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Book: Princess of Athelia: An Unfinished Fairy Tales Novella by Aya Ling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Ling
    “It’s all right, don’t worry about it.” I squat on the grass to pick up the meat off the ground. A small gasp comes from Lillie; immediately a servant rushes over and tells me not to trouble myself.
    “Katriona . . .”
    “I’m fine. Just excuse me for a moment.”
    I slip away from the picnic buffet, dabbing my soaked front with a handkerchief. Actually I’m not too miffed about Lillie, since her accident gives me a perfect chance to get away from the crowd. I feel the need to breathe in privacy after all the socializing since breakfast.
    Amelie doesn’t say anything when she learns what’s happened. There’s a peeved look on her face as she strips me down, tosses away the soiled dress, and laces me into a new gown. But when she finishes tying on my sash, she puts her hands on her hips.
    “Don’t you think it’s an accident, Princess. That younger sister of Constance Maynard has been hankering after His Highness since her sister married Duke Philip.”
    “I don’t think she could cause anything to come between Edward and me.” Judging from the age of Constance’s children, she must have married more than a decade ago. If Lillie knew Edward that early, he would have chosen her way before we met.
    “I’m not saying that His Highness will change his affections, he’s hopeless. But what I’m saying is that you ought take a firmer stance. Make it clear that you won’t stand for any insult. You’re the princess.”
    “So what do you suggest I should have done?” I ask, curious but also amused. “Pour the remaining lemonade in my glass over her dress?
    A rare smile appears on her face. Amelie really looks prettier when she smiles. I wish she’d smile more often.
    “Well, no,” she admits. “But while you’ve got a spirit when it comes to injustice, you’re not strong enough when dealing with those girls with the mind of a shark. You could have made her take responsibility for ruining your dress or warn her to be more careful the next time.”
    I nod, remembering how Lillie gazes longingly at Edward whenever he isn’t looking in her direction. “If there is a next time.”
    On my way back, I hear a little cry of pain. Under a large tree lies a girl in a crumpled heap. It’s the same girl who shrieked like the world’s end is coming when Krev let loose a mouse in the ball.
    “You there,” she calls to a passing servant. “I tripped over a root and I think I sprained my ankle.”
    “Certainly, miss,” the servant says anxiously. “I’ll fetch the family doctor for you.”
    “No!” She exclaims in a vehement tone. “Go and find Henry—the duke of Somerset. It’s just a minor sprain, he will be able to see to it.”
    “But we have a doctor on the premises . . .”
    “Which part of my request escapes your understanding?” she says icily. “Now go!”
    Is she trying to get Henry’s attention? Since Edward is already taken, it’s possible that Henry looks a lot more attractive at the moment. My gaze falls on a rose bush nearby, and an evil idea enters my head.
    I stalk to the bush, pick up a twig lying on the grass, and hook a fat caterpillar onto the twig. I return to the girl, pretend that I’m just passing by, and tell her I’d go for a doctor.
    “Oh, please don’t trouble yourself, Lady Katriona,” she says, flustered. Her attitude has changed completely from bossy to fawning. “I have already sent a servant.”
    “Very well.” I drop the twig and the caterpillar lands on her dress. It wriggles for a second and starts to crawl.
    She lets out a shriek and leaps into the air—so high that I’m sure she broke her own record at the ball. Much to my amusement, she scrambles up and runs off with no sign of any injury. Her shrieks can still be heard even when she’s out of sight.
    Muffled laughter reaches my ears. I look for the source and find Edward striding towards me, his shoulders shaking as he tries to suppress his laughter.
    “You . .

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